In November, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that male refugees between the ages of 18 and 45 who are subjected to military service and come from Syria are entitled to refugee protection. This came about due to the high risk in Syria of forced participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity. Refusal of military service should, therefore, lead to refugee protection. Since many Syrian refugees have only received subsidiary protection in recent years, the ECJ ruling means they were wrongly denied refugee protection and related rights (such as family reunification). For those whose asylum procedure has already been completed, the ruling opens up the possibility of filing a follow-up asylum application by Feb. 19, 2021, at the latest.
The Tübingen-based counseling project Plan.B has created an information flyer for refugees in simple language (German and Arabic). Refugees from Tübingen and the surrounding area can contact Plan.B or the Asylum Center/Coffee to Stay for advice.
For the flyer: 2020-12-11_Info_Folgeantrag_Syrien_DEUTSCH-ARABISCH_PlanB.pdf (
Contact: Plan.B | [start] or Asylzentrum Tübingen e.V. – Asylzentrum Tübingen e.V. (
Foto: Europaparlament. Wolfgang Sannwald, 2018.