Help for migrants in the search for housing

People who immigrate from abroad or come to Germany as refugees are confronted with the challenge of looking for and finding a new apartment in Germany. Of course, having your own apartment is part of arriving and staying. However, the search for an apartment is often associated with many difficulties. Especially in the larger cities, housing is scarce and demand is high.
The Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction (bmwsb) offers help and advice to migrants in their search for housing. In a brochure, there are many tips on how to find your own apartment as quickly as possible. Among other things, this brochure contains the following topics. What is important when looking for an apartment? It gives a brief overview of important rules in German tenancy and housing law. How does the state support housing? The brochure also gives advice on how to protect yourself against discrimination on the housing market.
More information and the full brochure at:;jsessionid=8595BD985EDC51D1A6D65515B8E30D7D.1_cid322?__blob=publicationFile&v=2


Die Wohnungsraumsuche in Schwarmstädten wie Tübingen fällt vielen Menschen schwer. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.





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