Editorial: One year

Wars, conflicts, natural disasters often affect members of the tünews INTERNATIONAL editorial team personally. This has been the case since the launch of our media project in 2015, especially for members of the editorial team from Syria and Afghanistan. And it has been repeated since February 24, 2022, when Russia escalated the war against Ukraine.
On July 19, 2022, the first news in Ukrainian appeared on tünews INTERNATIONAL. Two refugee women from Ukraine joined our editorial team. They are in contact with friends and relatives in their regions of origin almost daily via smartphone. To date, we have published 120 news items in Ukrainian and additionally in English and German. We ask ourselves, and especially our female colleagues from Ukraine, on a weekly and daily basis what information helps them in their daily lives in Germany. The Ukrainian members of the editorial team name the important topics for Ukrainians in Germany, journalist coaches assist with research and edit their texts.
When the Russian military attacks the power supply in Ukraine in the middle of winter, the colleagues describe to us how the heating in the apartments of grandparents, aunts, nephews and friends no longer works in sub-zero temperatures. We hear not only abstractly about school friends or fellow students who died as soldiers, about civilian victims in the circle of relatives. And we see and hear anew with what courage and what commitment also the refugees from Ukraine accept their life in a new country, how they learn German, make education possible for their children, almost tear themselves apart between kindergarten, elementary school and jobs. And we experience how every further catastrophe news of the war leads to those, who even in Germany live at the subsistence level, packing packages with warm clothes and sending them home.
In the meantime, more than one million people from Ukraine are seeking protection in Germany and are working their way into everyday life here. We at tünews INTERNATIONAL want to support them with information in their language that will help them in their everyday lives here.



Kriegsgebiet in der Ukranine. Zerstörte Gebäude. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL/ Yana Rudenko.


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