Law on faster deportation passed

Rejected asylum seekers are to be deported from Germany more quickly in future. After the Bundestag, the Bundesrat also approved the “Act to Improve Repatriation” at the beginning of February. This law is controversial. Various groups from human rights organizations to sea rescue are protesting against it—as well as demonstrators in Tübingen. Among other things, the law provides for criminals to be deported more quickly. As a rule, deportations will no longer be announced. Authorities have more opportunities to search—for example, for documents to determine the country of origin. Police officers are also allowed to search rooms other than the… Read More

Narri-narro: Die Narren sind los

Von Oula Mahfouz Ob Fasnet, Fasching oder Karneval: Die Narren stehen in den Startlöchern für ihre wichtigsten Tage im Jahr. Am „schmotzigen Donnerstag“ beginnt der Höhepunkt der Fastnachtszeit. Das ist dieses Jahr am 8. Februar. Es gibt in den folgenden Tagen Umzüge, Kinder verkleiden sich und malen sich das Gesicht an, auch manche Erwachsenen verbergen ihre Gesichter hinter schaurigen Masken und schlüpfen in bunte Kostüme. Am Aschermittwoch, den 14. Februar, ist dann alles vorbei. Der größte Umzug in der Region findet am Sonntag, 11. Februar in Rottenburg statt. Die närrische Tradition ist fest im christlichen Kalender verankert und bildet den… Read More

Germany ticket now with KBC discount in Tübingen

Holders of a KreisBonusCard (KBC) resident in Tübingen can now order the discounted Deutschlandticket. This was announced by the Naldo transport association. The ticket costs 15 euros for adults and is valid from 1 March. For school pupils, trainees and volunteers living in Tübingen, a discounted Deutschlandticket Jugend-BW will be available from March at a price of 10 euros with a KreisBonusCard. The normal Deutschlandticket costs 34 euros in Tübingen and 49 euros everywhere else. The discount was made possible by a subsidy from the city of Tübingen for all residents of the city and its suburbs. The Deutschlandticket is… Read More

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