Sport and fun during the Whitsun holidays

Some children and young people get bored during the holidays. Tübingen has a sports programme for them around Whitsun. It starts on Saturday, 18 May and runs until Wednesday, 29 May. The programme is especially for nine to 16-year-olds. Under the motto “Move together”, the city’s youth work programme and clubs have put together events such as aikido, adventure golf, archery, bouldering, frisbee or canoeing.
The complete programme can be found at
You can also register there and see whether courses cost anything or not. If you have a Kreis-Bonus-Card junior / Kreis-Bonus-Card extra, you do not pay any participation fees for the events, but only a one-off administration fee of two euros.


Der Neckar in Tübingen. Foto:tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian






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