Tübingen summer holiday programme is online

Sports, games and exciting activities during the summer holidays: Parents can now register their children and young people aged between six and 18 for the summer holiday programme. There are more than 220 offers online. The summer holiday programme promises fun and variety for researchers, adventure seekers, animal lovers and artists during the school holidays. A few examples from A to Z: excursions to adventure parks, Japanese swordsmanship, first aid, stand-up paddling, a visit to a dog school, a musical course, a magic workshop. Depending on their mood, interested parties can apply in writing for one to two-hour events or all-day programmes on several days. If there are more interested parties than places, the places will be drawn by lot. Flyers with general information and the wish list are available in the town halls of the districts, in the town library and at the Bürger- und Verkehrsverein on the Neckarbrücke.
Other municipalities in the district of Tübingen also offer programmes for the summer holidays. They can be found on their homepages.
Information on the Tübingen summer holiday programme can be found at:
There you will also find a link directly to the individual programmes on offer.



Neckarbrücke im Frühling. Foto: tuenews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.






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