International Children’s Book Day

2nd of April is the annual International Children’s Book Day. The aim is to awaken a desire to read and to draw attention to children’s books. Because of the Corona virus, schools all over the world have been closed and pupils been told to stay at home. This could be a chance for them to read more. A publisher organisation, the World Health Organisation WHO and UNICEF have therefore launched the “Read the World” campaign. Many authors of children’s books have joined this initiative. They read extracts from their books to children and young people who have to live in isolation because of Corona. “The WHO has committed itself to fighting the COVID 19 pandemic on all fronts, especially when it comes to protecting young people.” This was said by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General: “We understand the fear and concern that many people feel, and we know how the joy of reading can stimulate young minds, reduce tension and give hope. For more details:


Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Wolfgang Sannwald.

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