Free school starter kit: registration deadline July 12

A school starter kit is designed to make it easier for first-graders from financially disadvantaged families to start school. It offers a small initial kit for the first school year, such as a backpack (for school trips), a pencil case with writing utensils, e.g. thick pencils and crayons, erasers, sharpeners, rulers, etc., children’s sports shoes, a water bottle, a snack box and something to snack on. All prospective first-graders in the district of Tübingen with a KreisBonusCard, BuT card (education and participation) or BG number (community of need number for the job center) can receive the school starter kit. You… Read More

More foreign qualifications recognized

More and more foreign professional qualifications are being recognized in Germany. This is according to an analysis by Mediendienst Integration. In 2022, a total of 54,300 applications were approved in full or in part—eleven percent more than in the previous year. The majority of recognitions were for documents from EU countries (11,800), followed by other European countries (10,900). The number of recognized qualifications from Syria (3,100) ranks behind Turkey (3,600). According to Mediendienst Integration, the number of applications almost doubled between 2019 and 2022. The data was collected by the Federal Statistical Office. Three out of four applications come from… Read More

Kita lingua: Language course for future nursery teachers

In October 2024, a language course will start for people with a migration background who want to train as nursery teachers in daycare centers. The project is a cooperation between the University of Tübingen and the city administration. It is being run for the second time. The participants receive nine months of intensive language tuition in order to reach B2 level. In addition, there are workshops on intercultural competence and early childhood education as well as support with job applications. Participants must live in Tübingen or the surrounding area, have a migration background, be able to demonstrate a B1 language… Read More

Information for newcomers on the education system

How does a kindergarten work? What requirements must my child fulfill in order to attend? How do I choose the right school for my child? Where can I do vocational training? These and many other questions are frequently asked by new parents in Germany. The project “frEi—Early Integration of Newly Arrived Parents” aims to help families who have arrived in Baden-Württemberg to get to know the education system. It also aims to provide them with easy-to-understand information that meets their needs. Parents can find a range of multilingual videos and information brochures on the project’s website. They explain the education… Read More

German scholarship program for refugee researchers

The Philipp Schwartz Initiative for Academic Refugees in Germany helps refugee researchers in need of protection from all over the world with scholarships. With a two-year scholarship, which can be extended for a further year, refugee academics can continue their work at German universities and research institutions. The initiative is part of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s programs. Applicants must have a doctorate or equivalent qualification, refugee status or proof of a vulnerable situation.  They must not have lived outside their country for more than five years. The application must be submitted via a German university or research institution. Applicants… Read More

Important when changing university: Recognising previous achievements

When changing universities, it is very important for students to have credits already earned at their previous university recognised for their further studies. In order to apply for credit recognition, students usually have to submit a formal application to the new university. This request often includes a list of the courses, examinations and other academic achievements already completed as well as relevant evidence such as transcripts or certificates. The new university then reviews the documents submitted and decides whether to recognise the achievements. Factors such as the consistency of the content of the courses, the quality of previous achievements and… Read More

Doing a doctorate in Germany

The awarding of a doctoral degree by a university is known as a doctorate. It takes place as part of a specific procedure lasting several years, during which doctoral candidates demonstrate their ability to carry out independent academic work. Once the examinations have been successfully completed and all formal requirements have been met, the university or faculty responsible awards the academic degree of “Doctor”. The doctorate involves writing a scientific paper, the dissertation, and defending it in a type of examination. Many universities also offer structured doctoral programmes that include special courses and supervision structures. An alternative option is a… Read More

Careers advice: Workshop for girls

For Girls Day on April 25, the Reutlingen Careers Information Center (BIZ) is inviting girls aged 13 and over to a workshop. During the “Careers advice to go”, the schoolgirls will gain insights into four companies in the fields of crafts and technology, reports the Reutlingen Employment Agency. “For a whole morning, the schoolgirls discover the variety of professions with the careers advisors from the Federal Employment Agency”, the press release continues. Registration is now open at The workshop will take place on Thursday, April 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at BiZ, Ulrichstraße 38 in Reutlingen. As… Read More

Studying: German exam before university

Refugees are generally allowed to study in Germany. In particular, those who have been granted asylum or have another secure residence status have good chances. “The same conditions apply to you as to other international prospective students,” says the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research: A lot more information can also be found there. If migrants want to study at a German university, they usually have to prove that they speak German well. However, there are exceptions. If you have a good command of English, you can enrol on an international degree programme or special English-language… Read More

Many educational paths after elementary school

By Majd Kanjou “Which secondary school is the best choice for our child?” That’s what many parents of a fourth-graders student in Baden-Württemberg are asking. Parents have various options as to which school they want to enroll their children in. Every autumn term, there are information evenings about the secondary schools. In Tübingen, for example, parents can get information on three dates in November after the autumn holidays. In the German education system, there are many different types of secondary schools like Hauptschule, Werkrealschule, Realschule, and Gymnasium. At the secondary school “Hauptschule” or “Werkrealschule”, students receive the school leaving certificate… Read More

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