Must or can: Starting school in Baden-Württemberg

Starting school is an important turning point in life for parents and children. The following rules are set out in the Baden-Württemberg School Act. All children born from July 2017 and before 1 July 2018 will start primary school in autumn 2024. They will then be six years old and will be required to attend school. All children born after 30 June 2018 are not yet required to attend school. However, parents can enrol their children who will be six years old by 30 June 2025 in primary school. These are so-called “optional children”. The school management decides whether they… Read More

Preparatory course for educational training

“KITA Lingua” in Tübingen offers refugees the chance to prepare themselves linguistically for German level B2. This makes training in the field of education possible. The course is a cooperation between the university and the city of Tübingen. It includes intensive language instruction, workshops, childcare, an internship and support with an application. The program will take place from November 13, 2023 to May 17, 2024. Prerequisites: Refugee status, living in Tübingen or the surrounding area, B1 language level and interest in educational professions. Care for children from 2 to 6 years old is possible. Applications by October 20, 2023 to… Read More

Free Ukrainian language and literature courses at the University of Tübingen

You can now also learn Ukrainian in Tübingen: from 16 October, the Slavic Department of the University is offering free courses in Ukrainian language and literature for students. Ukrainian is taught in German at levels A1 and B1. Ukrainian literature is taught in English. No special textbooks are required for participation. A course lasts one semester. Groups usually consist of no more than 10 students. The following courses in Ukrainian literature are offered: “Introduction to Ukrainian Literature: 20th Century” (Wednesdays 4 to 6 p.m.), “Ukrainian Literature since the Russian invasion in 2014 until today” (Mondays 10 am to 12 pm).… Read More

Scholarships for studying in Germany

Studying in Germany is expensive. Students need money for rent, food, the Mensa, the semester fee and study materials. Those who cannot be supported by their family have to look for other solutions. In addition to work and BaföG, this can also be a scholarship. A total of 1,750 foundations offer support for students in Germany, reports the study guide Those who are accepted into a scholarship program receive monthly payments, as well as a range of seminars and workshops and support from mentors. The 13 largest scholarship programs in Germany award scholarships on behalf of the Federal Ministry… Read More

New language project for refugees who want to study

“Starthilfe Deutsch” is a new project that aims to give particularly gifted young refugees from the Stuttgart area a basic knowledge of German up to language level B1 in academic German courses in a short period of time, thus preparing them for university studies. Subsequently, the participants are to be accepted into scholarship programs for the gifted. Participation in the German courses is free of charge, travel expenses can be covered. Contact: Deutschkolleg Stuttgart /Verein zur Förderung ausländischer Studienbewerber und Studenten Stuttgart e.V., Allmandring 6, 70569 Stuttgart, Tel. 0711 6870 6818,, Further information: Microsoft Word – Deutschkolleg –… Read More

Kids in the lecture hall

The University of Tübingen is offering the Children’s University again this year, a series of lectures for children between the ages of 7 and 12. The events will take place on May 9, 16 and 23, as well as June 13 and 20, always at 5 p.m. in Lecture Hall 25 (Kupferbau, Hölderlinstraße 5). On May 9, for example, the topic will be “Why are journalists not allowed to lie?”; on May 16, “Why do some children get good grades and others don’t?”; and on June 20, “Why does the moon always look different?” Registration is not necessary. Parents may… Read More

Improving educational opportunities for immigrant families

The Tübingen Intercultural Network for Parents’ Education (INET for short) will receive a total of 25,398 euros in funding from the state for its “INET in Kitas” project in 2023 and 2024. The state Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Integration has already funded this project in 2021 and 2022. The INET network was founded in 2010. It aims to “improve educational and participation opportunities for migrant people.” More than 160 volunteers work with INET. One of them is Oula Mahfouz, an editorial member of tünews INTERNATIONAL. Oula Mahfouz knows both sides of the education system. She was a teacher… Read More

Studying with a child

Many students have their own children, whom they raise and educate parallel to their studies. In order to ensure equal opportunities, universities offer a wide range of assistance, such as semesters off, facilitation of study organization, daycare services, and financial support. Students with children are also allowed to study longer than everyone else. They also receive BAföG for longer if they use it to finance their studies. If parents have a lot to do during the semester, they can also apply within their courses to have more flexible deadlines or attendances, for example. However, many universities not only pay attention… Read More

Islamic Studies: Many work at schools

Most graduates of Islamic theological studies at German universities work as teachers or in social work. This is the result of a study by the Academy for Islam in Science and Society (AIWG). It was conducted at Goethe University in Frankfurt in cooperation with the universities of Gießen and Mainz. “After graduation, about 44 percent of the graduates went into the educational field, about 26 percent into social work and about 15 percent into academia. Only about 13 percent are active in community work and about seven percent in pastoral care,” the Mediendienst Integration quotes the result of the study.… Read More

Ukrainian NMT now also possible in Germany

This year, Ukrainians who want to study at a Ukrainian university can take a mandatory national multi-subject test (NMT) in Germany. According to the current status, the tests will be held in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich. Registration is still open until May 3. Even though the list of cities where the NMT can be taken might become a bit longer, the Ukrainian Center for the Evaluation of Educational Quality advises to register as soon as possible, as the number of participants abroad is limited. If a more convenient location for individual participants is found later, they can change it… Read More

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