“Starthilfe Deutsch” is a new project that aims to give particularly gifted young refugees from the Stuttgart area a basic knowledge of German up to language level B1 in academic German courses in a short period of time, thus preparing them for university studies. Subsequently, the participants are to be accepted into scholarship programs for the gifted. Participation in the German courses is free of charge, travel expenses can be covered.
Contact: Deutschkolleg Stuttgart /Verein zur Förderung ausländischer Studienbewerber und Studenten Stuttgart e.V., Allmandring 6, 70569 Stuttgart, Tel. 0711 6870 6818, info@deutschkolleg-stuttgart.de, www.deutschkolleg-stuttgart.de
Further information: Microsoft Word – Deutschkolleg – Projekt Starthilfe Deutsch_.docx (fluechtlingsrat-bw.de)
Im Stuttgarter Schloss sind Teile der Landesregierung untergebracht. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.