Online registration for school childcare as of the 2023/2024 school year

From the 2023/2024 school year, registration, re-registration and deregistration for school childcare in elementary schools in the Tübingen city area and in the districts will take place via online portals. For this reason, it is necessary to re-register for school childcare from September 2023 onwards by 21.04.2023 at the latest. If you do not want any further school childcare from the school year 2023/2024, you do not have to do anything. All previously booked childcare modules for the future 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades (from the 2023/2024 school year onwards) will automatically be terminated on 31.07.2023. There are 21 elementary… Read More

Language learning in tandem for students

The University of Tübingen offers a project for all students who are interested in languages: The “Sprachentandem” makes it possible to meet with native speakers and thus not only improve your language skills, but also get to know some of the culture. For example, a German student who wants to improve her Spanish can meet with a Spanish student who is studying German in Tübingen. In principle, this works for any language for which there are tandem partners. The program is organized by the department “German as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Programs” at Tübingen University. The foreign students looking… Read More

Dual vocational training: a springboard to the world of work

Whether you’re a bricklayer, a baker or an office administrator: In order to work in these professions, you complete a dual vocational training program in Germany. During the training period, which lasts between two and three and a half years, the trainee alternates between the training company and the school. Every week, the trainees, colloquially known as “apprentices”, spend one or two days (depending on the educational institution) at a vocational school to learn the theory. On the other days, they work in the company. Apprentices are paid by the company for the duration of their training. Dual training is… Read More

One-time energy payment for students

Starting in mid-March, students and technical students will be able to apply for the 200 euro flat-rate energy payment. They can already apply for the required access data for the portal. For this application, students need a BundID. To obtain this, either an ID card with online function, or an Elster certificate is required. The BundID can then be applied for using an app on the cell phone. Only with the BundID and an access of the respective university, the lump sum can be requested from mid-March. When exactly the money will be paid out, however, is still unclear. The… Read More

Study plus training at the Cooperative State University

After graduating from high school, do you want to study or do vocational training? In Germany, it is possible to combine both. Dual universities offer the chance to combine academic studies with practical work in a company. Phases of training in the company alternate with theory blocks at the university. At the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, there is also targeted assistance for young refugees from Ukraine. The Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) offers refugees from Ukraine free school-leaving evaluations and academic counseling. The DHBW has nine campuses in Baden-Württemberg, the closest of which is in Stuttgart. The university cooperates with… Read More

Learning to swim during the Christmas holidays

During the Christmas vacations, the “Swimming for All Children” initiative in Tübingen and Rottenburg is once again offering new free courses for children aged 5 and up. The prerequisite is that the family has a KreisBonusCard for their child. More detailed information can be found on the homepage and on the Facebook page of the initiative. You can register online there. The courses are open to all children—regardless of whether they are German or from other countries. The swimming instructors come from different nations. Between December 21 and January 7, there are almost two hours of swimming lessons every… Read More

Many educational paths after elementary school

By Majd Kanjou “Which secondary school is the best choice for our child?” That’s what many parents of a fourth-graders student in Baden-Württemberg are asking. Parents have various options as to which school they want to enroll their children in. Every autumn term, there are information evenings about the secondary schools. In Tübingen, for example, parents can get information on three dates in November after the autumn holidays. In the German education system, there are many different types of secondary schools like Hauptschule, Werkrealschule, Realschule, and Gemniysimshula. At the secondary school “Hauptschule” or “Werkrealschule”, students receive the school leaving certificate… Read More

How the Naldo semester ticket works

There is a special semester ticket for students for public transport. This can be found on the website of the transport association Naldo. The semester ticket costs 114.10 euros for one semester and is then valid for all buses and trains in the Naldo transport association. The area includes the districts of Tübingen, Reutlingen, Zollernalbkreis and Sigmaringen. The ticket is valid for as long as the semester lasts. Students can buy the semester ticket directly online via the website Semester tickets are also available at local public transport sales points in Tübingen and Reutlingen, at Omnibus Groß in Rottenburg… Read More

Many educational paths after elementary school

By Majd Kanjou “Which secondary school is the best choice for our child?” That’s what many parents of a fourth-graders student in Baden-Württemberg are asking. Parents have various options as to which school they want to enroll their children in. Every autumn term, there are information evenings about the secondary schools. In the German education system, there are many different types of secondary schools like Hauptschule, Werkrealschule, Realschule, and Gemniysimshula. At the secondary school “Hauptschule” or “Werkrealschule”, students receive the school leaving certificate (Hauptschulabschluss) which is awarded after five years or the certificate (Werkrealschulabschluss) after six years, i.e. a middle… Read More

Not all schools have “Heat Free”

The sun is blazing in the sky. The temperature is rising. Classrooms are getting hotter, and the air is stuffy. Former generations of schoolchildren in Baden-Württemberg could rely on the fact that there would be “Hitzefrei” which means sending students home to escape the heat, but the situation is different now. As early as 2019, the Ministry of Education declared that it did not prescribe generally the circumstances for “Hitzefrei”. Individual school administrations are responsible for making this decision. Basically, there is no “Heat-free” at vocational schools and in the upper grades of grammar schools. The benchmark at the other… Read More

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