Info event on rights at work

The Tübingen Job Centre and the counselling centre MIRA (Mit Recht bei der Arbeit) are offering a free information event on Friday, 27 October from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the topic “Mit Recht in Arbeit” (Working with rights). It will take place at the Tübingen Job Centre (Schleifmühleweg 68, room 2.14) and is aimed at all those who work in a mini-job and receive citizens’ benefits. The event aims to inform workers about their rights and opportunities in the labour market in order to get fair chances and career perspectives. The event covers topics such as employment contracts,… Read More

Tax ID: A number for life

In Germany (almost) nothing works without a tax identification number (IdNr): The eleven-digit identification number issued by the Federal Central Tax Office (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern, BZSt) is needed for the salary slip at work as well as for applying for child benefit or care allowance. You also need it to open a bank account or register a car. The job centre also asks for the IdNR, which is often colloquially called the tax ID. The tax ID is valid for life and does not change even if you move or get married. This can be found on the homepage of… Read More

Going swimming without men

On Saturday, 21 October, there will be a bathing day just for girls and women at the Achalmbad in Reutlingen. From 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the indoor pool at Albstraße 19, the female gender will be among themselves. However, mothers are welcome to bring boys up to school age, according to the Reutlingen pool administration. “This exclusive bathing day in the Achalmbad is intended to create an appropriate free space that enables girls and women to go to the indoor pool or sauna without inhibitions, in order to find relaxation and fun,” the press release says. Swimming games,… Read More

Preparatory course for educational training

“KITA Lingua” in Tübingen offers refugees the chance to prepare themselves linguistically for German level B2. This makes training in the field of education possible. The course is a cooperation between the university and the city of Tübingen. It includes intensive language instruction, workshops, childcare, an internship and support with an application. The program will take place from November 13, 2023 to May 17, 2024. Prerequisites: Refugee status, living in Tübingen or the surrounding area, B1 language level and interest in educational professions. Care for children from 2 to 6 years old is possible. Applications by October 20, 2023 to… Read More

Saving food via app

“Too Good to Go” is an app that allows users to buy surplus food from restaurants, cafés and supermarkets at a reduced price. The aim of the app is to reduce food waste and save money at the same time. The app is easy to use: Users can log in to Too Good to Go and search for participating shops in their area. These shops then offer leftover food at a discounted price. Users can select the food on offer and buy or reserve it directly through the app. They can then pick up the food. Info at: tun23091106… Read More

Counselling for pregnant women

Not all women are completely happy when they find out they are pregnant. The pregnancy counselling service of the Health Department at the Tübingen District Office offers them help. “Here, pregnant women and their relatives can get information and tips, apply for subsidies from the ‘Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind’ (Federal Foundation for Mother and Child) if they have a low income, or get advice on couple and family problems”, says the press release of the district office. The counselling centre also helps if a woman is considering an abortion. It is recognised by the state as a pregnancy and pregnancy… Read More

“Good Tübingen” initiative: Free guided tours of Tübingen

The Orthodox priest Alexei Volchkov, who comes from St. Petersburg, offers free guided tours of the city to refugees from Ukraine as part of his “Gutes Tübingen” initiative. The next guided tour starts on Sunday, 15 October, at 12 noon and is entitled: “What do Tübingen and Venice have in common: A walk over bridges and along the river, canals and streams.” The meeting point is at the Neckar Bridge. Other excursions are planned for the coming weeks: “Why does Tübingen need a fortress? A tour of Tübingen Castle” (29 October, 12 noon). On Reformation Day, Tuesday, 31 October, there… Read More

Free Ukrainian language and literature courses at the University of Tübingen

You can now also learn Ukrainian in Tübingen: from 16 October, the Slavic Department of the University is offering free courses in Ukrainian language and literature for students. Ukrainian is taught in German at levels A1 and B1. Ukrainian literature is taught in English. No special textbooks are required for participation. A course lasts one semester. Groups usually consist of no more than 10 students. The following courses in Ukrainian literature are offered: “Introduction to Ukrainian Literature: 20th Century” (Wednesdays 4 to 6 p.m.), “Ukrainian Literature since the Russian invasion in 2014 until today” (Mondays 10 am to 12 pm).… Read More

Free hot lunch in Tübingen

For people with little or no money and for the homeless, the Schlatterhaus offers a free hot lunch every Sunday. The Sunday kitchen at Österbergstraße 2 in Tübingen is open every Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Those who wish can eat in the Schlatterhaus itself together with the other guests. But there is also the possibility to take the food home. The Sunday kitchen has been running for 30 years, and between 80 and 100 meals are prepared every Sunday. The meals are cooked by volunteers and financed by… Read More

Many insect species may not be killed

In Germany, many insects are strictly or specially protected. They may therefore not be harmed or killed. Species under special protection include, for example, all native bees and bumblebees, the swallowtail, the praying mantis and the golden beetle. Strictly protected insects include the dwarf dragonfly, the heath cricket, or the oak variegated beetle. Almost all wasp species are also under special protection and, as a rule, may not be harmed or killed. The fine for catching, injuring or killing wild bees, hornets, bumblebees, wasps, beetles, butterflies and for damaging or destroying their reproduction or resting places “without reasonable cause” in… Read More

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