Many insect species may not be killed

In Germany, many insects are strictly or specially protected. They may therefore not be harmed or killed. Species under special protection include, for example, all native bees and bumblebees, the swallowtail, the praying mantis and the golden beetle. Strictly protected insects include the dwarf dragonfly, the heath cricket, or the oak variegated beetle. Almost all wasp species are also under special protection and, as a rule, may not be harmed or killed.
The fine for catching, injuring or killing wild bees, hornets, bumblebees, wasps, beetles, butterflies and for damaging or destroying their reproduction or resting places “without reasonable cause” in Baden-Württemberg is up to 50,000 euros in extreme cases. In the case of strictly protected animals, there are even prison sentences of up to 5 years.
The removal of wasp nests is normally not allowed. However, there are exceptions: If there are reasonable grounds such as an immediate danger to people, pets or allergy sufferers. A professional must determine if relocation from a wasp nest is an option. Professionals include beekeepers, pest controllers or local fire departments (but only if there is acute danger). Anyone with questions can also contact the local or city government.
These measures are intended to promote the protection of endangered species and preserve biodiversity. The protection of insects contributes directly to nature conservation and the preservation of the food base.
Catalog of fines and related information:,zu%20verletzen%20oder%20zu%20t%C3%B6ten


In Deuntschland gibt es eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen Insekten. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Aref Mahfouz






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