“Bringing poverty to the fore”—film premiere and reading

How does it feel to be poor in a rich country like Germany? Five young women from Tübingen from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan have dealt with the topic of poverty in connection with a youth empowerment project. On Wednesday, 22 February, the result of their work will be shown in the short film “I am strong”. The young women describe their flight and then their life in Germany. They are poor in both phases of their lives. The protagonists distinguish their experience between “absolute poverty” and “relative poverty”. Before the film screening, the author Christian Baron will read from his… Read More

Child benefit for refugees from Ukraine

Many mothers who have fled Ukraine with their children are entitled to child benefits. 250 euros are paid per child. Child benefit is a state financial aid for families. Parents receive the money for the period from birth to the child’s 18th birthday, in individual cases longer. However, certain requirements must be met. According to the Federal Employment Agency, child benefits for refugees from Ukraine are only available if the parent applying for them has a residence permit under Section 24 of the Residence Act. Benefits are also only available for children who live in Germany or—with a few exceptions—another… Read More

Photos of the life of the Tübingen Yezidis

How are Yazidis doing in Tübingen? Answers to this question are provided by the photo exhibition “Here & Now” about “arriving and putting down roots”. It opens on Saturday, 25 February, at 12 noon in the Altes Waschhaus (Bursagasse 2/1) in Tübingen and can be seen until 5 pm on that day. Other opening days from 11 am to 5 pm are Sunday, 26 February, Sunday, 5 March, Sunday, 12 March, and Saturday, 18 March. On Sunday, 19 March, the exhibition will be open for the last time from 12 to 5 pm. Accompanying the exhibition, Badeeah Jazaa will read… Read More

Who helps when parents are sick

When single mothers or fathers become seriously ill, it‘s bad for the whole family. Who takes care of the children now? Under certain conditions, there is then help from the health insurance companies. This is regulated by law. However, the length of time for which they provide support varies from companie to companie. Members of the AOK, for example, can claim household help for up to a whole year. The first requirement is a medical certificate. This is issued by the family doctor if mothers or fathers of children under the age of 12 have an acute serious illness or… Read More

The earthquake in northern Syria and Turkey and tünews INTERNATIONAL

By Wolfgang Sannwald The earthquake in northern Syria and Turkey has hit relatives of tünews INTERNATIONAL employees hard: In the family of a relative many have died, of the members of a family friend only one small child is still alive. At tünews INTERNATIONAL, we are increasingly experiencing how media reports about seemingly distant places bring us closer. This is evident in our editorial meetings, where people are together who come from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Afghanistan or Ukraine. Some of us have been meeting for two hours a week for seven years. For many of them, the connections to… Read More

Many Ukrainian refugees in Baden-Württemberg

Of the more than one million refugees from Ukraine, a large number have found accommodation in Baden-Württemberg. 131,000 Ukrainians are living in the southwest, which puts the state in third place behind North Rhine-Westphalia (219,000) and Bavaria (149,000). This is reported by Mediendienst Integration and is based on figures from the Central Register of Foreigners. However, these are estimates, as it is unclear how many refugees have already returned to Ukraine. Far fewer refugees were accepted in the eastern states than in the south and west. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is in last place with 21,673 people. Few people also found refuge… Read More

Germany as a destination for refugees in 2022

In 2022, 1.3 million refugees have arrived in Germany, including more than one million from Ukraine and 245,000 from other countries. Globally, 28.6 million people are currently living as refugees outside their country, according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)—24 percent more than the previous year. The war in Ukraine has caused this sharp increase, with nearly eight million people from Ukraine, mostly women and children, seeking protection in Europe. War refugees from Ukraine are allowed to enter the European Union freely. Most of the refugees from other countries arrived via one of the routes that cross the Mediterranean Sea.… Read More

How to get rid of unwanted advertising

Anyone who is annoyed by advertising in their mailbox can change that with little effort. The sticker “Please no advertising and no free newspapers” ensures that no more advertising brochures, such as those distributed by supermarkets, end up in the mailbox. However, you will then also no longer receive any free advertising papers and the magazine of the municipal utility will also be missing in the future. If you want to continue receiving such magazines, simply write “Please no advertising”. You can buy stickers in magazine stores, for example, but you can also write them yourself on your computer or… Read More

Learning to swim during the vacations

The initiative “Swimming for all children” offers free places in two vacation swimming courses at the Uhlandbad in Tübingen. The free offer for children from the age of five is aimed at families with the KreisBonusCard. Beginners can make their first experiences with the water from February 20 to 25, between 2 and 2:45 p.m. each day, at the Tübingen Uhlandbad. For advanced swimmers, there will be a course in the same period between 12 and 12:45 pm. Those who have already achieved the “Seepferdchen” are considered advanced. In addition, there are currently still free places in an advanced course,… Read More

Driving licence with automatic or manual transmission

Normally, there are two types of car driving licences (class B): either the automatic or the manual car driving licence. Since 1 April 2021, another variant applies. Since then, it has been possible to take a driving test on an automatic car and still drive a manual car later (class B197). The prerequisite for this is training in a driving school of at least 10 hours (45 minutes each) and a 15-minute test drive. In doing so, the respective learner drivers must prove that they are capable of „safe, responsible and environmentally conscious driving“ of a car with a manual… Read More

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