More and more refugees are becoming German citizens

This figure was last seen in Baden-Württemberg more than 20 years ago: 22,745 foreigners were naturalised here in 2023. That is 8.5 per cent more than in 2022, according to the State Statistical Office. Among them, more and more people fleeing war and persecution from Syria (6963), Iraq (1107) and Afghanistan now have a German passport. The reason for the increased numbers: More and more refugees from these countries are fulfilling the requirements for naturalisation—for example, that they have lived in Germany for eight years or six years if they have made special efforts to integrate. They must also have… Read More

Tübingen summer holiday programme is online

Sports, games and exciting activities during the summer holidays: Parents can now register their children and young people aged between six and 18 for the summer holiday programme. There are more than 220 offers online. The summer holiday programme promises fun and variety for researchers, adventure seekers, animal lovers and artists during the school holidays. A few examples from A to Z: excursions to adventure parks, Japanese swordsmanship, first aid, stand-up paddling, a visit to a dog school, a musical course, a magic workshop. Depending on their mood, interested parties can apply in writing for one to two-hour events or… Read More

Press freedom is under threat worldwide

Censorship, attacks on journalists, death threats, imprisonment, torture, death: the situation of the press has deteriorated significantly worldwide in 2023. This was reported by the journalists’ organisation “Reporters Without Borders” (RSF) on 3 May, International Press Freedom Day. People who work for the media are increasingly under threat. RSF is concerned about the 2024 super election year, when more than half of the world’s population will be called to the polls—including in Europe, India and the USA. Every year, the RSF organisation compiles a ranking of press freedom for 180 countries. Characteristics such as security, the political situation, legal conditions… Read More

European elections: The second largest democratic election in the world after India

The European elections take place every five years. The next European elections and local elections in Baden-Württemberg will be held on Sunday, 9 June 2024. The European Union (EU) consists of 27 countries. Just as there is a Bundestag in Germany and a Landtag for each federal state, there is the EU Parliament for Europe. The EU Parliament is made up of MEPs from all EU countries. They represent the people of their countries and decide on important issues for the entire EU—for example, environmental protection or consumer rights. Following the UK’s withdrawal, the number of MEPs currently stands at… Read More

“Unpublished diplomas”: Exhibition at the university commemorates students killed in Ukraine

The “Unissued Diploma” exhibition is on display in the Tübingen University Library until 29 May. It tells the life stories of 40 Ukrainian students who lost their lives in the war. The exhibition is located in the foyer of the main building of the University Library (Wilhelmstraße 32) on the first floor and can be visited during the library’s opening hours: weekdays from 8 am to midnight, and at weekends from 10 am to 10 pm. Admission is free. The “Unissued Diplomas” project was founded in 2023 and has already organised 110 exhibitions in 24 countries. The organisers of the… Read More

Sport and fun during the Whitsun holidays

Some children and young people get bored during the holidays. Tübingen has a sports programme for them around Whitsun. It starts on Saturday, 18 May and runs until Wednesday, 29 May. The programme is especially for nine to 16-year-olds. Under the motto “Move together”, the city’s youth work programme and clubs have put together events such as aikido, adventure golf, archery, bouldering, frisbee or canoeing. The complete programme can be found at You can also register there and see whether courses cost anything or not. If you have a Kreis-Bonus-Card junior / Kreis-Bonus-Card extra, you do not pay any… Read More

Voting—but the right way

On 9 June, the new European Parliament and, in Baden-Württemberg, the new municipal and district councils will be elected. The correct way to vote differs depending on the election. Polling station or postal vote In all elections, you can vote in person at a polling station or apply for a postal vote to cast your ballot by post. In both cases, you will need a polling card. This shows where the polling station is located for voting on 9 June. You can apply for a ballot paper for postal voting on the reverse. This can also be done online, in… Read More

Candles – source of light and social significance

By Youssef Kanjou and Abdul Baset Kannawi Candles are considered one of the oldest methods of lighting in the history of civilisations, and their use was not limited to illumination or obtaining light alone. Over time, religious and social relationships developed between candles and people, which are reflected in many practices, rites and habits. With the mastery of fire around 500,000 years ago, people living at that time were able to illuminate the darkness of the night and caves. This light could also be transported using wood shavings or torches. Humans also had primitive lamps from around 40,000 years ago.… Read More

Decision support before the elections

Which party best suits your political convictions? Many people are asking themselves this question ahead of the European elections on 9 June. In Baden-Württemberg, 34 parties and voter associations are on the ballot paper. A Wahl-O-Mat from the Federal Agency for Civic Education can provide guidance and help with decision-making. In this Wahl-O-Mat, the parties registered for the election have answered 38 theses. An example of a thesis: “Asylum seekers should have to submit their application before crossing the EU’s external borders and wait there for the result.” How does the Wahl-O-Mat work? Those seeking guidance can agree with each… Read More

Open day at the Tübingen fire station

On Sunday, May 12, the Tübingen fire department invites you to an open day at the Tübingen fire station (Kelternstraße 21) from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be an opportunity to take a look behind the scenes. Admission is free. From 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., there will be guided tours of the fire station building every 30 minutes throughout the day. The meeting point is the main entrance. At 11 a.m., 12:45 p.m. and 2:30 p.m., the professionals will show how to use a fire extinguisher correctly. Catering will be provided throughout the day. At the fire… Read More

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