Controversy about corona vaccination for youths

All German states are supposed to offer vaccinations against COVID-19 to every youth between the ages of 12 and 17 – with thorough information in the vaccination centers or at the doctors. This was decided by the states’ and the country’s ministers for health. This decision has led to big discussions. The Standing Vaccination Committee wants more data The Standing Vaccination Committee (Stiko), which is located at the Robert-Koch-Institute, only advices that youths with a pre-existing disease, like diabetes, or who are heavily overweight (adiposity) get vaccinated. The Stiko does not yet want to issue a general recommendation. They don’t… Read More

Fictional Certificate

If you apply for a residence permit or a settlement permit in Germany, the foreigners’ office sometimes gives you a fictional certificate (Fiktionsbescheinigung). This fictional certificate is issued by the immigration office if it has not yet decided on the person’s application. With this fictional certificate, the person’s stay in Germany is considered lawful and permitted. The period for which the foreigners’ office issues this certificate, is the period within which it wants to decide on the actual application. Anyone who has a fictional certificate is allowed to leave and re-enter Germany. tun21072703 Fiktionsbescheinigung. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL. Latest information on… Read More

Cockroaches in the apartment

Many harmful insects crawl in German apartments. This includes the German cockroach. Some also call them cockroaches or Swabian beetles. They are about 13 to 16 millimeters long, amber in color, have six legs and two long antennae. Although these cockroaches have wings, they can only walk on the ground. During the day they hide between cracks in the walls and furniture. If many cockroaches are visible during the day, this may indicate a larger infestation. Usually they come out at night looking for food in the kitchen. They secrete attractants that smell bad. Some describe the smell as musty, sweet… Read More

Help not permitted

Work on the assembly line is tough. Many people in Germany work in the low-cost sector, for example in packaging, in the warehouse or in the production of large companies. Those who are employed by a temporary employment agency often have to to jobs like these. Sameer from Iraq is one of them. He reports that many employees suffer from the working conditions. “Without energy drinks, most of them cannot do their work at this pace.“ For bosses, what counts above all is to manage the workload in the allotted time. “You really have to step on it” – he… Read More

Housing allowance increase

The federal government has increased the housing allowance for the third time, so that two-person households can receive an increase of 70 euros. This was announced by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Home Affairs in a press release. The increase is every two years according to the rent level and consumer prices. It is there to ease housing allowance recipients. 650,000 households who have received housing allowance in the past or for the first time benefit from this. More information in the Ministry’s press release: tun21061801 Stadt Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL/Mostafa Elyasian. Latest information on Corona:… Read More

The busts of Palmyra – social media over 2000 years ago?

Youssef Kanjou The city of Palmyra in what is now Syria was famous for a cultural blending of East and West throughout its long history. This is evident in the architecture and in the different religions. Perhaps most important is the tradition of burial rituals in the Hellenistic and Roman periods (about 200 B.C. to 300 A.D.). Even before death, a statue was created for each person by skilled sculptors. The statue is limited to the upper half of the person and should be similar to the person as much as possible. This bust should correspond to the natural size… Read More

Beware of caterpillars on oak trees

The oak processionary moth is a type of a butterfly. Its offspring is a caterpillar, that emerges starting end of May. Its “stinging” hair can cause skin inflammations with strong itching, inflammations of the eye or the upper respiratory tract and more. Especially risky is the direct contact with the caterpillar and its webs, within which they reside. The wind can spread around the caterpillar’s hair from the trees. The caterpillars have spread so widely during the last view years. Therefore, they can be found in almost all tree populations. Within the forest, the oak processionary moth is not being… Read More

Two watermelons in one hand

At lunchtime, the grocery store where Mohammad from Afghanistan is doing his training is particularly busy. Many come on their lunch break to run errands. It has to be quick when shopping. “Mentally, people are already back in their offices or in the next store,” smiles Mohammad. In a hurry, some customers take the receipt, but leave the goods at the checkout. Some even leave their bank cards in the card reader. But Mohammad has a watchful eye and calls the customers back. They are mostly surprised and very grateful. “Sometimes I don’t understand the Germans – they try to… Read More

State pays a one-off 100 euros per child in August

The Corona pandemic has restricted the lives of children and adolescents. In order to alleviate the consequences somewhat, the Bundestag has passed a children’s recreation bonus. Families with very low incomes receive a one-time payment of 100 euros per child. The money is to be paid out in August. The 100 euros can be used for holiday, sports and leisure activities. This is what the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs writes in a statement. Families who receive, for example, child benefit, housing benefit, basic income support or support under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act in August 2021 are entitled to… Read More

An ancient silver coin from Seleucia on the Tigris in Iraq

By Stefan Krmnicek In our series on ancient coins, this article is about an ancient silver coin from Iraq in the coin collection of the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Tübingen. On the obverse we see the bust of a man to the right. His face looks pathetically realistic. The eyes are deep set, the nose is quite prominently shaped. His curly hair falls neatly combed from the crown. A wide bandage is wound around the head. Readers of our previous posts already know that a bandage, also called a diadem, was the symbol of royalty for… Read More

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