Seit vielen Wochen berichten Medien darüber, dass tausende Geflüchtete aus arabischen Ländern und aus Afghanistan an den Grenzen von Belarus nach Polen und Litauen versuchen, in die EU zu gelangen. Dort wollen sie politisches Asyl beantragen, nachdem sie in die Hauptstadt Minsk geflogen und von dort an die Grenze gebracht worden waren. Polen hat einen hohen Stacheldrahtzaun an der Grenze errichtet und die Grenzsoldaten drängen die Geflüchteten immer wieder zurück auf belarussisches Gebiet, wo sie in winterlicher Kälte im Freien campieren müssen. Es gab bereits mehrere Todesopfer. Die EU wirft dem belarussischen Präsidenten vor, die Geflüchteten zu missbrauchen, um politische… Read More
Tag: Afghanistan
Afghan refugees are currently unable to obtain identity documents
Many refugees from Afghanistan living in Germany are currently having problems fulfilling their “obligation to cooperate” in obtaining identity documents such as a tazkira or passport. Due to the Taliban’s takeover of power in Afghanistan, it is no longer possible to obtain identity documents from the embassy or consulates. At the Afghan consulate in Munich, for example, it is no longer possible to apply for a Tazkira, as the homepage required for this has been deactivated. Passports are no longer issued for an indefinite period of time; only extensions are still possible. This means that anyone who now receives a… Read More
Possibilities of applying for asylum after the Taliban’s seizure of power
The change in the political situation and the human rights situation following the seizure of power by the Taliban in Afghanistan also has a decisive impact on Afghan refugees in Germany whose applications for asylum have been rejected with legal effect. This is because the BAMF can no longer refer to allegedly safe cities and regions in Afghanistan in its decisions. This is what the Tübingen initiatives “move on” and “Plan B” write in an advisory leaflet for Afghan refugees. In this respect, refugees who are currently only tolerated (Geduldet) have a good chance of success with a follow-up asylum… Read More
Möglichkeiten des Asylfolgeantrags nach der Machtübernahme durch die Taliban
Die Änderung der politischen Lage und der Menschenrechtssituation durch die Machtübernahme der Taliban in Afghanistan hat auch entscheidende Auswirkungen auf die afghanischen Geflüchteten in Deutschland, deren Asylantrag rechtskräftig abgelehnt wurde. Denn das BAMF könne in seinen Entscheidungen nicht mehr auf angeblich sichere Städte und Regionen in Afghanistan verweisen. Das schreiben die Tübinger Initiativen „move on“ und „Plan B“ in einem Beratungsmerkblatt für afghanische Geflüchtete. Insofern hat für Geflüchtete, die derzeit nur geduldet sind, ein Asylfolgeantrag gute Chancen auf Erfolg. Wenn das BAMF einen Antrag für zulässig erklärt, erhält man wie im Asylverfahren wieder eine „Aufenthaltsgestattung“ und ist nicht mehr ausreisepflichtig.… Read More
Asylum applications from people from Afghanistan are currently not being decided
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is currently not making any decisions regarding Asylum applications from Afghans. The BAMF press office has that confirmed to tünews INTERNATIONAL on request. A reassessment would be made after evaluation of the update of the situation report on Afghanistan announced by the Federal Foreign Office. The existing management report from July 2021 is no longer valid due to the takeover of power by the Taliban. The legal policy advisor at PRO ASYL Peter von Auer stated on request, that refugees from Afghanistan living in Germany who do not have the right to… Read More
Security measures on social media for people in Afghanistan
Facebook and Instagram allow people in Afghanistan to protect their accounts from getting spied on. Nathaniel Gleicher, Head of Security Policy at Facebook, wrote this on Twitter on 19 August. People in Afghanistan could lock their accounts for other users with a single click. This means that only friends can see the photos or posts in a user’s timeline. In addition, the possibility to search the friend lists of other users has been suspended in Afghanistan for a short time. This is to prevent the Taliban from tracking down political opponents on Facebook, such as former employees of foreign armed… Read More
Two watermelons in one hand
At lunchtime, the grocery store where Mohammad from Afghanistan is doing his training is particularly busy. Many come on their lunch break to run errands. It has to be quick when shopping. “Mentally, people are already back in their offices or in the next store,” smiles Mohammad. In a hurry, some customers take the receipt, but leave the goods at the checkout. Some even leave their bank cards in the card reader. But Mohammad has a watchful eye and calls the customers back. They are mostly surprised and very grateful. “Sometimes I don’t understand the Germans – they try to… Read More
A piece of Iran and Afghanistan in Tübingen
Plants A piece of Iran and Afghanistan in Tübingen By Mohammad Nazir Momand An editorial team from tünews INTERNATIONAL visited the botanical garden of the University of Tübingen last summer and conducted an interview with Michael Mauser, the gardener responsible for mountain plants from all over the world. The team was especially interested in wild plants that brought to Germany from countries such as Syria, Iran, Turkey or Afghanistan and then cultivated in the garden. “We bring plants like these from other countries to Germany to research them and to show them to students to help with their learning.… Read More
We stick with the term “refugees”
The approximately 20 employees of tünews INTERNATIONAL expressed considerable unease about the term “refugees”. A workshop held in Bad Liebenzell from 6 to 8 December 2019 dealt with the future of the media project and the designation of the target group. The workshop in Bad Liebenzell was attended by members of the editorial staff who have come to Germany since 2015, four of them from Syria, one from Iraq, one from Iran and two from Afghanistan. The team also includes people who have lived in Germany for a long time but have additional roots in other countries, two in Iran,… Read More