Stricter corona-rules in all of Baden-Württemberg

The state of Baden-Württemberg is tightening its corona-rules, as the district of Tübingen has already done. Starting on Monday, October 19th, these rules apply in the entire state of Baden-Württemberg. Stricter mask-regulations: Everywhere, where the minimum distance requirements cannot be met, people have to wear a mask. This means for example pedestrian zones and every public place. This rule applies statewide and the mask has to be worn over the mouth and nose. Celebrations: For private celebrations and gatherings, a maximum of ten people of two different households is allowed. Events: Only 100 people are allowed at events. Schools and… Read More

Sick note via phone

Currently, not only the number of people infected with the corona-virus is rising again. More people have a cold as well. Patients with mild infections of the respiratory tract can, once again, get a sick note from their doctor via phone. This is possible starting Monday, October 19th, and, for the time being, is planned until the end of this year. The Joint Federal Committee decided this. Representatives of doctors, hospitals and public health insurance agencies belong to this committee. The aim of this measure is to keep waiting rooms empty and protect at risk patients from a possible infection.… Read More

Masks are now also compulsory during class

In the week before the autumn vacations, secondary school students are required to memorize a new phrase: “Maske auf – auch im Unterricht” (Mask on – even during class). Baden-Württemberg has introduced this rule starting Monday, October 19, for fifth graders and above. Until now, they had to wear masks in toilets and in corridors. The new corona regulation for schools issued by the Ministry of Education has intensified the rules. The reason for this is the rapidly increasing number of infected persons throughout the country. Pupils who do not comply with the new regulations will face consequences that can… Read More

Stricter rules for parties because of Corona

More and more people are becoming infected with the corona-virus, again. For this reason, stricter rules will be enacted in Baden-Württemberg starting Sunday, October 11th. If more than 35 people per 100,000 inhabitants become infected within seven days in a district, a maximum of 50 guests can come to private parties in rented rooms – for example restaurants. At private parties in private rooms, there should be no more than 25 people celebrating. Currently, the district of Esslingen is a corona hotspot with 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within one week. In hotspot counties or hotspot cities, only 25… Read More

Without mask, no entry and no driving lessons

Every day in Baden-Württemberg, people contract the coronavirus. Again, and again patients die of Covid-19. That is why the state government is tightening the corona ordinance and extending it until November 30th. These changes will take effect Wednesday, September 30th: Guests in restaurants, pubs and bars must wear a mask when they are not sitting in their seats – for example, on their way to the table, to the toilet or to a buffet. The mask obligation also applies in closed rooms and in the waiting area of amusement parks and amusement facilities. Anyone not wearing a mask is not… Read More

Protect the elderly: Covid-19 test before visiting

Older people need to be protected from the coronavirus. So, starting on Monday, 30thSeptember, there will be a new testing opportunity at the Tübingen fairground (Tübinger Festplatz). This is for all those who want to visit older relatives. The test should be carried out one day before the planned visit. The “Arztmobil” (doctor’s car) will be present at the Tübingen fairground every day of the week except for the weekends. The timings are from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. People from the district of Tübingen who cannot afford the voluntary test, can get tested here for free. If there is… Read More

Changes for those returning from travel

In Baden-Württemberg, there is a new regulation for travelers. Starting on Wednesday, September 16th, only returnees from risk areas can be tested at the Corona test stations in the state – not all travel returnees. Currently, there are test stations at the airports of Stuttgart, Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden and Friedrichshafen, at Stuttgart Central Station and at the freeway service stations Neuenburg/Ost and Kemmental/Ost. In any case, the state will operate these test stations until after the end of the summer vacations. For residents of the district of Tübingen, the drive-in test station on the Tübingen fairground (Tübinger Festplatz) has been open again… Read More

Refusing to wear a mask will result in a fine

Students from grade five and up in Baden-Württemberg must wear a mask outside of the classroom after the summer vacation. This applies in the hallways, in the auditorium, in the school yard and on the toilet. Anyone who does not adhere to the new rules will be fined. The fines are between 25 and 250 euros. The standard fine is 35 euros. This info is from the new “catalog of fines for administrative offenses” from the state government. The public order office oversees violations. For people who do not wear a mask in places like markets and shops, fines will… Read More

German border open for people seeking protection

Due to the corona-pandemic, entry into Germany is limited. However, there are exceptions to the entry restrictions: Citizens of a country belonging to the European Union, as well as people from other states that have a long-term resident permit, are allowed to enter. There are also exceptions to the entry restrictions for those seeking protection: People who come to Germany for the purpose of joining their families are allowed entry, as long as they have the necessary documents. Additionally, people who want to apply for asylum can enter. This means that refugees will not be turned away at the border… Read More

Ventilate, ventilate, ventilate…

Correct ventilation reduces the risk of being infected by the coronavirus. This is clear through the recommendations of the Federal Environmental Agency for schools and all inside spaces. Aerosols are tiny solid and liquid particles suspended in the air. They are a common path of transmission for the coronavirus. Aerosols spread faster in closed off interiors. Consequently, the Federal Environmental Agency recommends to get as much fresh air into inside spaces as possible – additionally to keeping the minimum required distance and wearing a protection over mouth and nose. For fresh air, a cross ventilation is ideal. A draft through… Read More

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