Beware of parking tickets: Where not to park

In Germany, you are not allowed to park your car everywhere. The road traffic regulations stipulate various stopping and parking bans. Parking is always permitted on the right-hand side of the road, and on the left-hand side only if it is a one-way street. In the case of a restricted no-parking zone, you are not allowed to park, but you may stop for up to three minutes. Where exactly is parking prohibited? Regardless of the signs, parking in the second row is prohibited – the fine is at least 55 euros. If cyclists or other road users are obstructed, it… Read More

Subsidy for high heating costs

Have heating costs doubled in 2022 compared to 2021? Then it is worthwhile for private households to apply for financial assistance. The state hardship grants apply to non-pipeline energy sources such as heating oil, liquid gas, wood pellets, wood briquettes, coal or coke. They do not apply to district heating or gas. There is a maximum of 2000 euros per household. The assistance can be applied for online at the latest by Friday, October 20, via the website Necessary forms for applications in paper form can be ordered via the hotline 0711 / 12 61 600. Information about necessary… Read More

Rail delays: No more compensation in the event of bad weather

When trains are delayed or canceled altogether, Deutsche Bahn provides compensation. Until now, this has applied regardless of the cause of the delay. From June 7, this will change: there will no longer be any money for cancellations and delays due to bad weather, sabotage or people on the tracks. This all falls under the term “force majeure”. This is the result of the new EU railroad passenger rights regulation, about which the European Consumer Center provides information. Strikes by railroad personnel, by the way, do not fall under the exemption rules. So if train drivers go on strike and… Read More

Packaging tax in Tübingen remains

The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig has ruled: Tübingen’s packaging tax is legal in most respects. This is reported by the court and the city of Tübingen in press releases respectively. With this tax on disposable tableware and packaging, the city wanted to reduce litter from “take away” containers and promote reusable systems. There was a complaint against this. The Federal Administrative Court has now confirmed the city’s position. According to the court, dishes and packaging such as French fries bowls and coffee cups will cost 50 cents, while disposable cutlery or drinking straws will cost 20 cents. This is… Read More

No bus service: warning strike on 25 and 26 May

In Reutlingen on Thursday, May 25, and in Tübingen on May 25 and 26, there will be no buses in the city traffic all day. This is announced by the Tübingen public utility and the Reutlingen public transport RSV. The reason is a warning strike called by the trade union Verdi. Most lines in Tübingen are affected, but there is an emergency timetable. In Reutlingen, all lines in the city transport, in Pfullingen, Eningen, Pliezhausen and Walddorfhäslach are on strike. The eXpresso express bus to Stuttgart Airport is also not running. According to RSV and Stadtwerke, the strike will last from… Read More

Are children allowed to travel alone?

Children are allowed to travel alone in ermany, but there are some conditions and restrictions that may vary depending on the age of the child and the type of trip. For domestic travel in Germany, there are no specific laws or regulations that state whether or not a child may travel alone. In principle, children 6 years of age and older may travel alone by train. Most airlines, train companies and bus companies have their own regulations for children traveling alone—for example, a minimum age and special support services such as accompaniment and care during the trip. If a child… Read More

Driving license: probationary period can be extended to four years

Anyone who has passed the driving test is allowed to drive a car. However, the driving license—specifically the class B driving license—is first issued on a probationary basis. This probationary period lasts two years and starts on the day you get your driver’s license. If you are only 17 years old and participate in accompanied driving, the probationary period begins when you receive the so-called test certificate. The probationary period applies to all classes except Am (two-wheelers under 45 km/h maximum speed) and L and T (agricultural tractors). This is according to the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport.… Read More

Social workers: First point of contact for many questions

Without them, arriving in Germany would be even more difficult than it already is: the social workers of the specialized service for refugees at the district office. They are the first point of contact for people from all over the world seeking refuge in Tübingen County. In most cases, the men and women become active on their own initiative, because they know when refugees newly arrive in the district—for example Ukrainian refugees at the Hotel Convita in Rottenburg. As one of the social workers reports, they are also on site there two days a week to answer questions. Appointments can… Read More

Tübingen events at a glance

Tübingen offers many city events throughout the year—from special markets to the punting race, music festivals, the summer theater and the city run to the chocolate fair in December. If you’re looking for tips on what to do, you can check out a city page online. There is an overview of the events—sorted by the date of the event and provided with brief explanations of what they are about. Links also lead to markets and fairs, to external event calendars and advance booking offices. The overview can be found at tun23042606 Neckarbrücke mit Bepflanzung. tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa… Read More

Shipments from a non-EU country

As of July 1, 2021, the previous duty-free limit of 22 euros for goods orders from non-EU countries has been lifted. This means that consumers must now also pay import VAT for smaller orders of goods from non-EU countries, and customs duties if the value of the goods exceeds 150 euros. Depending on the goods, import turnover tax amounts to 7 or 19 percent of the value of the goods and is levied directly by the delivery service or customs. Customs charges may also apply, depending on the type of goods and whether they are subject to certain property rights.… Read More

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