The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig has ruled: Tübingen’s packaging tax is legal in most respects. This is reported by the court and the city of Tübingen in press releases respectively. With this tax on disposable tableware and packaging, the city wanted to reduce litter from “take away” containers and promote reusable systems. There was a complaint against this. The Federal Administrative Court has now confirmed the city’s position. According to the court, dishes and packaging such as French fries bowls and coffee cups will cost 50 cents, while disposable cutlery or drinking straws will cost 20 cents. This is retroactive to January 1, 2022, when the tax was originally to be introduced. The city will send tax notices for 2022 and 2023 to 440 businesses in Tübingen, such as snack bars, cafes, bakeries and gas stations.
For more information, visit
as well as from the Federal Administrative Court at
Ab 1. Januar 2022 gilt in Tübingen eine Steuer auf Einwegverpackungen für “to go”-Speisen und -Getränke. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.