Free school starter kit: registration deadline July 12

A school starter kit is designed to make it easier for first-graders from financially disadvantaged families to start school. It offers a small initial kit for the first school year, such as a backpack (for school trips), a pencil case with writing utensils, e.g. thick pencils and crayons, erasers, sharpeners, rulers, etc., children’s sports shoes, a water bottle, a snack box and something to snack on. All prospective first-graders in the district of Tübingen with a KreisBonusCard, BuT card (education and participation) or BG number (community of need number for the job center) can receive the school starter kit. You… Read More

For everyone under 28: With the Deutschlandticket to France for free

If you are under 28 and have a Deutschlandticket, you can use it to travel for free to France in July and August—even as far as Paris. This was announced by the Ministry of Transport in Baden-Württemberg. The offer covers the Grand-Est region, i.e. the area of Alsace, Lorraine and Champagne-Ardenne. The prerequisite is a residence in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate or Saarland. The offer also applies to the Young People’s Ticket SL and the D-Ticket Youth/BW. In return, young French people can travel free of charge in the three German federal states with their Jeune/Grand/Grenzenlos pass. However, they may only use… Read More

Child benefit application comes automatically

New parents now receive the application for child benefit for their newborn automatically. The Reutlingen Employment Agency points this out. The family benefits office sends parents a welcome letter and a QR code shortly after the birth. This leads to a largely pre-filled online application for child benefit. “The application can be submitted completely paperless. Supporting documents no longer need to be attached,” the communication states. This means that families no longer have to take action themselves after the birth. The family benefits office is gradually expanding its online services. For example, applications for child benefit and child supplement can… Read More

Breastfeeding women and teeth

Breastfeeding women also benefit from various health insurance advantages when it comes to their dental health. Good dental health is particularly important during breastfeeding, as hormonal changes can increase the risk of dental problems. Many health insurance companies recognize this and offer special benefits and support for breastfeeding women with regard to their teeth. A major benefit is the coverage of dental examinations and treatments. Many health insurance companies will reimburse the cost of regular dental check-ups while breastfeeding. This enables women to keep an eye on their dental health and identify potential problems at an early stage. In addition,… Read More

Translator database

In most cases, German authorities such as immigration and social welfare offices or educational institutions require a certified translation of official documents from abroad. On the one hand, this means that you cannot simply translate the document yourself, but must consult a specialist: so-called sworn or publicly appointed translators. If the translation is done by such a sworn translator, the translator’s signature no longer needs to be certified by a notary. He or she confirms that the original document has been translated correctly. Sworn translators can be found in an official register: There you can enter the language to… Read More

Speeding by car: it gets expensive

If you are speeding by car or motorcycle in Germany and are caught by a speed trap, you have to pay a fine. The greater the speeding offense, the higher the fine. Speeding in urban areas is more expensive than speeding on country roads or freeways. If you were driving much faster than the speed limit, you will receive points in Flensburg and a temporary driving ban. Within the city limits, it costs 30 euros if the speed limit is exceeded by up to 10 km/h. Outside the city limits, it costs 20 euros. Drivers who exceed the speed limit… Read More

Tübinger Tafel: free coffee and cake in the café

Eat cake, drink coffee or juice and talk to each other without having to pay: Tafel customers can do all of this in the café at Eisenbahnstraße 57 in Tübingen. It opened in September 2023. There is space for guests at bistro tables inside and on an outdoor terrace. Refugees often find people in the café with whom they can talk in their native language. The Tafel café is open to its customers on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 3 to 5 pm. More about the Tübinger Tafel at tun24061701 Der tübinger Tafelladen in der Eisenbahnstraße. Foto: tünews… Read More

Representing interests on the Integration Council

The city of Tübingen is looking for candidates for the Integration Council—especially people with a history of immigration. It represents the interests of these people in Tübingen. Applicants must be at least 16 years old and have lived in Tübingen for at least six months. Applicants should be interested in local political issues. They should also have experience with migration and want to work for good integration policy in Tübingen. The Integration Council meets around eight times a year. Anyone who would like to get involved should therefore have time to work in working groups of the Integration Council and… Read More

Information for newcomers on the education system

How does a kindergarten work? What requirements must my child fulfill in order to attend? How do I choose the right school for my child? Where can I do vocational training? These and many other questions are frequently asked by new parents in Germany. The project “frEi—Early Integration of Newly Arrived Parents” aims to help families who have arrived in Baden-Württemberg to get to know the education system. It also aims to provide them with easy-to-understand information that meets their needs. Parents can find a range of multilingual videos and information brochures on the project’s website. They explain the education… Read More

Human rights under extreme threat globally

International law is being increasingly disregarded internationally. ‘The rule of law and human rights are under greater threat worldwide than they have been for decades’, writes the human rights organisation Amnesty International in its 2023/24 annual report. ‘We condemn the fact that nationalist, racist and misogynist forces are gaining support worldwide’, says Amnesty Secretary General Julia Duchrow. Because these forces ‘attack the idea of equal dignity and equal rights for all people in word and deed’. Civilians are particularly at risk The report points out that civilians ‘are increasingly defenceless in armed conflicts because governments, security forces and armed groups… Read More

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