Free hot lunch in Tübingen

For people with little or no money and for the homeless, the Schlatterhaus offers a free hot lunch every Sunday. The Sunday kitchen at Österbergstraße 2 in Tübingen is open every Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Those who wish can eat in the Schlatterhaus itself together with the other guests. But there is also the possibility to take the food home. The Sunday kitchen has been running for 30 years, and between 80 and 100 meals are prepared every Sunday. The meals are cooked by volunteers and financed by… Read More

Many insect species may not be killed

In Germany, many insects are strictly or specially protected. They may therefore not be harmed or killed. Species under special protection include, for example, all native bees and bumblebees, the swallowtail, the praying mantis and the golden beetle. Strictly protected insects include the dwarf dragonfly, the heath cricket, or the oak variegated beetle. Almost all wasp species are also under special protection and, as a rule, may not be harmed or killed. The fine for catching, injuring or killing wild bees, hornets, bumblebees, wasps, beetles, butterflies and for damaging or destroying their reproduction or resting places “without reasonable cause” in… Read More

When the bank card is gone: Have it blocked

That went well just in time: tünews editor Lobna Alhindi received a call. On the phone was an employee of the Tübingen Kreissparkasse. Lobna Alhindi became suspicious and asked the employee to introduce herself again, as she had heard of telephone fraud several times before. But then the woman told her that half an hour ago Alhindi’s EC card had been found and handed in at a police station in Tübingen. It could be picked up there. The bank employee also told her that the card had been blocked and would have to be reactivated. If you have lost your… Read More

Supermarket: The price at the checkout is valid

In the supermarket, the price at the checkout is valid—not the price on the shelf. This is pointed out by Stiftung Warentest and the consumer advice centre in Berlin, among others. The reason for this is the Price Indication Ordinance. This can result in a supposed bargain not being a bargain in reality. An example: On the shelf, the bottle of washing-up liquid is listed as a special offer with a price of 88 cents. At the checkout, however, the cashier enters 1.09 euros. The customer complains and insists on the lower price. In the end, she only paid the… Read More

Distrust job offers with super earnings

Little work and a lot of money: the police and consumer advice centers warn against such job offers. These offers are usually dubious and can have expensive consequences. One example: A young Syrian from Rottenburg, who was unemployed for a short time, discovered a job offer on the Internet—customer service at an international financial services provider. He got the job. Allegedly, he was supposed to advise customers as a financial agent on Bitcoin issues, among other things. In return, there was to be an hourly wage of 100 euros. In reality, the young man converted money into cryptocurrencies for fraudsters… Read More

How the Youth Welfare Office helps parents and children

The Youth Welfare Office supports parents in raising their children. At the same time, the authority also helps children and young people who are in need, for example because their parents are not able to look after them properly. Youth Welfare Offices are part of the administration, they exist in all districts and large cities. However, the offices also generally help to create a family-friendly environment, for example by offering recreational activities for children and young people. In Tübingen, Mössingen and Rottenburg, the district offers parents and children special family counselling centres where parents and children can get advice and… Read More

Deutschlandticket: How to get out of the subscription

The Deutschlandticket is only sold by subscription. Without cancellation, the contract will continue to run and cost money. Nevertheless, the subscription can also be terminated after one or a few months—all you have to do is send the notice of termination by the 10th of the current month at the latest. The procedure varies from provider to provider. At the Naldo transport association, the subscription can be cancelled at the customer centre. You can also do this online by clicking on the button on the homepage: There you will find the button “Submit cancellation”: With Deutsche Bahn, the… Read More

Deutschlandticket: Off to the mobile phone

The Deutschlandticket can only be bought as a classic paper ticket until the end of the year, then it will only be issued as a chip card or mobile phone ticket. However, you can already download the Deutschlandticket to your mobile phone. Those who want to use the discounted Deutschlandticket for Tübingen residents at a price of 34 euros as a mobile phone ticket are dependent on the “Wohin-Du-willst” app from Naldo. To do this, you first have to register at the Naldo Abocenter (, then download the app and finally follow the instructions on the homepage: In essence,… Read More

Tübingen residents get a discount on the Deutschlandticket

Since July, people who live in Tübingen and its districts have been paying only 34 euros for their Deutschlandticket. This saves them 15 euros compared to the normal retail price of 49 euros. According to the Tübingen city administration, the city council had decided in March to pay subsidies. The offer applies to everyone who lives in the city centre or in one of the suburbs. This means that discounted tickets are available for residents of the city centre, Unterjesingen or Bühl, but not for residents of Ammerbuch. The Deutschlandticket can be ordered as a mobile phone ticket up to… Read More

Sirens wail for rehearsal on warning day

It’s that time again: On Thursday, 14 September, sirens will be tested all over Germany—as every year on the second Thursday in September. Starting at around 11 a.m., sirens will sound, digital information boards will be tested, and warnings will be issued via radio, television and the mobile phone service Cell Broadcast or (if it is installed on the mobile phone or smartphone) a warning app such as NINA. The system checks whether everything is working. An all-clear should be given at around 11.45 a.m.—except for Cell Broadcast. In an emergency, warnings can be issued for local dangers such as… Read More

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