Academic life and family life in the time of Corona  

Youssef Kanjou My academic work as a researcher in Middle Eastern archaeology at the University of Tübingen and in the field of research usually does not happen at home. At the same time, my children are usually in schools and kindergartens. The situation, now, has changed because of the Corona virus: I can no longer go to university and my children are permanently at home. That has forced me to change my social and scientific lifestyle: on the one hand, I work from home and on the other hand, my family life challenges me. It costs a lot of time… Read More

Corona on a global scale

Wolfgang Sannwald The Corona-virus has infected approximately four million people worldwide. Until may 5th, more than 250.000 deaths are accredited to the pandemic. Both numbers continue to rise. In this global crisis, it has become clear once more that people cannot be separated by nationality, language, skin colour or religion. The pathogen impairs people that are from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Germany or anywhere else in the same way. Everywhere on earth, it causes people to die. Yet, a big difference is made by the condition of societies in which the virus spreads. Is there enough prosperity in order to… Read More

Ramadan in times of Corona

Due to the Corona crisis, fasting Muslims experienced significant changes in Ramadan this year. Religious and social rituals constitute central elements of Ramdan. For example, after Ishaa, the evening prayer, follows the Tarawih. Tarawih is a prayer that only takes place during Ramadan and, therefore, has a special significance. Due to the worldwide closing and restrictions on mosques, joint prayers were no longer possible. Even in Mekka, the holy town of Muslims, the ritual was not held this year. “Many people find that sad”, says Salma from Syria. The joint meals Mawaes Al Rahman outdoor were cancelled, which is another… Read More

Albania: After the severe earthquake now Corona

By Michael Seifert Albania was one of the first countries in Europe to take drastic measures to combat the Corona virus in early March. A strict curfew completely paralyzed public life. Between 5 a.m. and 1 p.m. only one person per household could leave the house for a maximum of one hour to run important errands. To do this, you had to obtain police approval by SMS at least 24 hours in advance. There was a general exit ban on weekends from Saturday afternoon to Monday morning. Pensioners were not allowed to leave the house at all. All public transport… Read More

Corona global

  Von Wolfgang Sannwald Der Corona-Virus hat weltweit etwa vier Millionen Menschen infiziert. Bis zum 5. Mai werden der Pandemie mehr als 250.000 Todesfälle zugeschrieben. Beide Zahlen steigen weiterhin. In der globalen Krise wird einmal mehr deutlich, dass sich Menschen nicht nach Staatszugehörigkeit oder Sprache oder Hautfarbe oder Religion voneinander trennen lassen. Der Erreger schädigt Menschen in Syrien, dem Irak, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Deutschland oder andernorts in gleicher Weise. Menschen müssen überall auf der Welt daran sterben. Einen großen Unterschied macht aber die Befindlichkeit von Gesellschaften, in denen der Virus sich verbreitet. Gibt es genug Wohlstand, um in das Gesundheitswesen zu… Read More

The Loss of a Friend Due to Coronavirus

Mohammad Nazir Momand from Afghanistan was the first member of the editorial board to be affected by the death of a friend due to Covid-19. He wrote this obituary on his friend: My friend Dr. Eqbal Omari died on April 15th, 2020 in Afghanistan from the Coronavirus. He was 32 years old. We were together from elementary school till high school. He was particularly interested in computer technology and met a lot with friends in his free time. After school he studied medicine in Mazar-e Sharif and I studied agriculture at the same time. We were in the same building… Read More

Ramadan zu Corona-Zeiten

Aufgrund der Corona-Krise ist der Ramadan für fastende Muslime in diesem Jahr ganz anders als bisher. Zentrale Bestandteile des Ramadans sind die religiösen und sozialen Rituale. Zum Beispiel wird nach Ishaa, dem Abendgebet, Tarawih gebetet. Tarawih ist ein Gebet, das nur während des Ramadans verrichtet wird und dadurch eine besondere Bedeutung hat. Da die Moscheen weltweit geschlossen oder eingeschränkt sind, ist das gemeinsame Beten nicht möglich. Selbst in Mekka, der heiligen Stadt der Muslime, wird das Ritual dieses Jahr nicht abgehalten. „Das empfinden viele Menschen als sehr traurig“, so Salma aus Syrien. Das gemeinsame Essen Mawaed Al Rahman im Freien… Read More

Occupational health and safety against corona infections

The Federal Government published general standards for protection against corona infections at worki on April 20th. The government points out that a minimum distance of 1.5 meters must also be observed in companies – in buildings, outdoors and in vehicles. Operations should be organized in such a way that employees have as little direct contact as possible. Shift work should be adjusted accordingly. Nobody should come to work sick. Anyone who has a fever, runny nose, cough or breathing problems while at work should go home. In the event of unavoidable direct contacts, there must be additional protection, preferably with… Read More

Corona and consequences – information in multiple languages

The Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration is providing useful information on the coronavirus in 20 languages. A homepage is offering information on the virus and related protective measures. The latest decisions of the Federal Government including its states, speeches by the Federal Chancellor and many news reports on individual aspects can be accessed. For example, information from other federal ministries and federal institutions on work, travel or protection against violence is also available. tun051503 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 19.04.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Arbeitsschutz gegen Corona-Infektionen

Die Bundesregierung hat am 20. April allgemeine Standards für den Schutz gegen Corona-Infektionen im Arbeitsleben veröffentlicht. Darin weist die Regierung darauf hin, dass auch in Betrieben ein Mindestabstand von 1,5 Metern einzuhalten ist – in Gebäuden, im Freien und in Fahrzeugen. Betriebsabläufe sollen so organisiert werden, dass die Beschäftigten möglichst wenig direkten Kontakt zueinander haben. Schichtarbeit soll dementsprechend angepasst werden. Niemand soll krank zur Arbeit kommen. Wer während der Arbeit Fieber, Schnupfen, Husten oder Atemprobleme bekommt, soll nach Hause gehen. Bei unvermeidlichen direkten Kontakten muss es zusätzlichen Schutz geben, bevorzugt durch Schutzscheiben. Der Arbeitgeber soll für Waschgelegenheiten oder Desinfektionsspender sorgen… Read More

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