The beaver is back in the district of Tübingen

For centuries, the beaver was intensively hunted in Germany and almost went extinct in the 20th century. Now it is reclaiming its habitat in Germany, including in the district of Tübingen. Through his way of life, the beaver changes the landscape and creates habitat for other species. In times of species decline, the ecological change of flowing and still waters by the beaver is an enrichment for biodiversity. Problems with beavers arise in agriculture and forestry: for example, beavers build dams and eat trees. Thus, the animal changes the structure of rivers and lakes. This can cause waterlogging of adjacent agricultural and forestry land. In order to minimize the damage caused by the beaver, the district of Tübingen has established a beaver management with volunteer beaver advisors. They advise farmers and other affected parties on preventive measures.
The beaver is a strictly protected species and is under legal protection. As a specially protected species, the beaver may not be captured, killed or injured according to the Federal Nature Conservation Act. Disturbing or damaging the reproduction and resting places is also not permitted. In Tübingen, traces of the beaver can be observed on the Neckar River, the Ammer River and the Kirchentellinsfurt and Hirschau quarry ponds. With luck, you can also see it in action.
More information about the beaver can be found here:




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