Employment of Refugees: a “Job Engine” Offered by German Companies

Since 2015, the employment of refugees in German companies has had a very positive impact on the competitiveness of these companies. This is the result of the study under the title “From ‘refugee crisis’ to job engine: An analysis of the experience of German companies in integrating refugees” by the non-profit organization “Tent Partnership for Refugees” and the research institute “DIW Econ”. For the first time, this study analyses the experiences of 100 medium-sized and large German companies, three-quarters of these companies hired refugees for the first time in 2015. According to the study, 64 percent of the companies state that they have had positive experiences with the employment of refugees, and 88 percent of the companies intend to hire more refugees in 2022. According to the research, the positive effects include better market positioning, higher employee satisfaction, higher employee retention, as well as higher productivity, and increased creativity. The improvement in productivity and creativity in the companies is attributed to the fact that “refugees approach problem-solving from different perspectives”, which results in enhanced decision-making processes and greater innovative strength.
Download the study: DIW-Econ_Report_Tent_DE_V10-single-pages.pdf



Die Agentur für Arbeit in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.


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