Bürgergeld: Keeping more of your income

Since 1 July, those who receive the citizen’s income (Bürgergeld) allowance are allowed to keep 30 per cent of the money they earn themselves. This applies to earnings between 520 and 1,000 euros. Previously, they were only allowed to keep 20 percent. The advantage is even greater for those under 25: “Young people keep the income from school and student jobs and the income from vocational training up to the mini-job limit of currently 520 euros,” says the employment agency. Earnings from holiday jobs may also be kept without deductions. Expense allowances for voluntary work do not lead to a minus in the citizen’s allowance, nor does maternity pay. In the case of the mini-job itself, things remain as they are: the first 100 euros are not counted, and for the sum between 100 and 520 euros, 20 percent is not counted.
Since July, the Job Centre has been paying its clients 150 euros a month for further training leading to a vocational qualification. The training can now last three years instead of two. A bonus is available for passing intermediate and final examinations. Further training that does not lead to a vocational qualification but lasts at least eight weeks is supported with a citizen’s allowance bonus of 75 euros per month. This also applies to young people who take part in pre-vocational training measures. Citizen’s Income recipients who have particular difficulties finding work can now apply for coaching services.
There are also changes to inheritances: they are now considered assets and no longer income. Therefore, there are higher tax-free allowances. In the case of rehabilitation, the citizen’s allowance continues, no other benefits have to be applied for.



Arbeitsamt in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.



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