The situation for refugees on the German labor market has changed significantly between 2016 and 2020. 55 percent of refugee men had a job in 2020. Four years earlier, it was only 16 percent. The employees initially started with an unskilled job. However, by 2020, a third of 18- to 65-year-old men had become skilled workers (with several years of training or a comparable qualification). These were the findings of a study by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and the University of Bamberg.
The proportion of refugee women in employment also increased—from 6 percent in 2016 to 17 percent four years later. Refugee women are also increasingly working in specialist jobs. The study cites the following as factors for better opportunities in the world of work: professional qualifications gained abroad, learning the German language and German educational qualifications.
A second study shows: If both partners are employed, men take significantly more care of the children and housework. Women are then not only more financially secure, but also more equal. According to the researchers, this effect is apparently even more pronounced among refugees than among other couples.
Their conclusion on the subject of skills shortages: companies should make better use of the potential of refugees. However, the researchers named a number of prerequisites for this. In addition to sufficient qualifications as well as training and further education, it is important to recognize professional qualifications more easily and to provide sufficient childcare places.
Die Agenur für Arbeit in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian