Breakfast at daycare centre cheaper for some

Some parents whose children attend a daycare centre (Kita) can save a little money every month from January 2024: Families whose children have a KreisBonusCard junior and only eat breakfast at the daycare centre will only have to pay €5 per month for meals instead of the previous €10. This was confirmed by the Tübingen city council in response to an enquiry from Tünews International. The reason for this is that the city of Tübingen has increased its voluntary subsidies. To benefit from this, parents only need to present the KreisBonus Card to the daycare centre provider. However, the offer only applies to Tübingen families.
The education and participation package had previously only reduced the cost of lunch in schools and nurseries. However, as the opening hours of many daycare centres have now been shortened, there are many children who only eat breakfast there. In order not to penalise them, the city of Tübingen is now stepping in.


Kindergarten in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.






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