Eight wishes for daycare places in Tübingen

The city of Tübingen is changing the procedure for allocating places in daycare centres. Parents can specify a maximum of eight preferences when registering. This was announced by the city. This is made possible by a new IT programme at the Central Registration Office for Childcare (ZAK). According to the city, those who enter a large number of preferences have a better chance of getting a place at a daycare centre. The wish list for the main allocation of places for the 2024/25 kindergarten year must be sent to ZAK via the parents’ portal by Thursday, 29 February at the latest. This also applies to updating childcare requests for children who have already been registered. Updates are also made via the parents’ portal. Tübingen has a total of 43 municipal childcare centres and 52 facilities run by independent providers.
The link https://www.tuebingen.de/kitas#/39333 leads to the registration in the parents’ portal with detailed instructions on how it works.
The press release can be found at https://www.tuebingen.de/kitas#/41701.



Ein Spielplatz in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.






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