Import and export when traveling

A passenger did not eat her apple on a flight from Germany to Indonesia. On arrival, inspectors took the fruit away from her. She didn’t know why. The reason: import and export regulations apply when traveling, which can vary from country to country. These regulations govern which items you can and cannot take with you. It is important to find out about the specific rules of your destination country before you travel to avoid unpleasant surprises. Frequently regulated goods include food, plants, animals, alcohol and tobacco products. It is advisable to observe these regulations in order to avoid possible penalties… Read More

Holidays do not automatically expire

Shortly before the end of the year, many employees ask themselves: Do my remaining days of holiday actually expire if I do not take them by the end of December? In most cases, no. But the details are rather complicated. It is easiest if there is a clear regulation in the company. Often you can then carry over holiday days into the new year and have to take them by 31 March. The personnel department or the works council will know the exact rules. In principle, however, leave is no longer automatically forfeited. This has been decided by the European… Read More

Help in many languages for traumatized people

Refugio cares for traumatized refugees. The independent association supports those affected and their relatives. Understanding is important in counseling and therapy. This is why Refugio normally employs language and cultural mediators at the advice center in the Pfrondorf district of Tübingen—usually gender-specific: women for clients, men for clients. Refugio is always looking for language mediators from Arabic to Dari to Somali. Among other things, they must have very good knowledge of German and the interpreted language as well as secure residence status in Germany. Their work is remunerated. Information about Refugio: and tun23102502 Neckarbrücke mit Bepflanzung. tünews… Read More

Contact points for the medical emergency service

Many doctors’ surgeries only have limited opening hours. However, medical emergencies often occur at weekends, on public holidays or outside these hours. In life-threatening cases, the emergency number 112 should be dialed. However, many emergency rooms are overloaded. The medical and pediatric on-call service is available for acute cases of illness that are not life-threatening. It can be contacted throughout Germany day and night on 116117. The on-call service will provide information on how to proceed and refer you to a doctor in an emergency. There is a dental emergency service for acute dental complaints. An online emergency service search… Read More

Nationwide warning strike in rail transport

The German Train Drivers’ Union (GDL) is calling for a nationwide warning strike. From Wednesday, November 15, from 10 p.m. to Thursday, November 16, 6 p.m., there may be massive restrictions on long-distance and local transport. According to Deutsche Bahn (DB), an emergency timetable will be introduced for long-distance services. A greatly reduced service will run on regional services. However, these restrictions will vary from region to region. For this reason, travelers should obtain information on the DB app, at the service points or via the free strike hotline: 08000 99 66 33, before starting their journey. Further information on… Read More

New rules for children’s passports

The classic German children’s passport is being phased out. From 1 January, there will be a new electronic passport with a chip. This was announced by the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Berlin. However, children’s passports that have already been issued can still be used until they become invalid, it continues. However, the ministry points out that some countries already no longer accept extended children’s passports. In addition, some countries already require that the passport is valid for three to six months when entering the country. Information on whether the specific destination country recognises a children’s passport or an… Read More

Immigration: More opportunities for skilled workers

There is a shortage of well-trained people in many sectors in Germany. That is why there is a new law to allow skilled workers to immigrate. This is new from November 18: foreign skilled workers with vocational training or academic qualifications are entitled to a residence permit. They are no longer restricted to jobs related to their education (see link below). Immigration opportunities with the European Union (EU) Blue Card for non-EU foreigners have also been restructured (see the link below). The following changes will apply from November: The limits for the minimum salary will be lowered: for professions in… Read More

Block for fraud during driving license test

More and more people in Germany want to get their driving license. And: more and more novice drivers are trying to cheat on the theory test. This was reported by the TÜV in a press release. According to TÜV figures, there were more than 2711 attempts to cheat on the theory test in the first nine months of 2023—more than ever before. But not all of them were detected. Anyone caught cheating must expect consequences: a ban of a maximum of three quarters of a year until the next test. This is governed by Section 18 of the Driving License… Read More

Only with a mask in the Tübingen hospital

More and more people are becoming infected with the coronavirus or other pathogens. Tübingen University Hospital is therefore making masks compulsory again. It will apply from Monday, 13 November, according to the hospital. The mask requirement applies to all buildings. A simple surgical mask is sufficient for visitors and outpatients as well as patients at the day clinic. It does not have to be an FFP2 mask. Staff at the hospital will also wear a mask when in direct contact with patients. tun23111001 Pflicht an der Uniklinik Tübingen: OP-Masken. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus. 000831

Fraudsters send more and more fake SMS

The story could be true, but it is made up: A message comes to mom and dad via SMS. Their child has a new cell phone number, which the parents should save. Experts warn against this scam. Those who reply to the new number are, for example, told a story about an emergency and are supposed to transfer money. Usually it is about 1000 to 3000 euros. They end up in the accounts of criminals. In 2022, fraud via Messenger caused damage in the double-digit millions nationwide, reports the Federal Criminal Police Office. Its head spoke of more than 20… Read More

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