Gutscheine für berufliche Weiterbildung und Umschulung

Die Agentur für Arbeit und das Jobcenter bieten Bildungsgutscheine für berufliche Weiterbildungen und Umschulungen an. Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer können ihre Qualifikationen erweitern und sich auf dem Arbeitsmarkt weiterentwickeln. Arbeitsuchende haben Anspruch auf einen Bildungsgutschein, wenn die Weiterbildung notwendig ist, um Arbeitslosigkeit zu beenden, drohende Arbeitslosigkeit abzuwenden oder einen fehlenden Berufsabschluss nachzuholen. Voraussetzungen und zugelassene Bildungsträger werden im Beratungsgespräch besprochen. Zusätzlich zur finanziellen Unterstützung übernehmen die Agentur für Arbeit beziehungsweise das Jobcenter bestimmte Beiträge zur Kranken-, Renten-, Pflege- und Unfallversicherung während der geförderten Weiterbildung. Für mehr Informationen: tun23091105 Das Jobcenter in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. 000748… Read More

Films of dreams and realities

They all have dreams of how they would like to live—a Palestinian in Israel as well as a man in Morocco: these are two characters from Arab films. They can be seen at the Arab Film Festival in Tübingen. It begins on Thursday, October 12. Until October 14, three films will be shown every evening in the Kupferbau at Hölderlinstraße 5, featuring productions from Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan and Syria— from animated films to documentaries and feature films. Download the complete program at tun23101101 Der Kupferbau: ein Hörsaalzentrum der Universität Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa… Read More

When the bank card is gone: Have it blocked

That went well just in time: tünews editor Lobna Alhindi received a call. On the phone was an employee of the Tübingen Kreissparkasse. Lobna Alhindi became suspicious and asked the employee to introduce herself again, as she had heard of telephone fraud several times before. But then the woman told her that half an hour ago Alhindi’s EC card had been found and handed in at a police station in Tübingen. It could be picked up there. The bank employee also told her that the card had been blocked and would have to be reactivated. If you have lost your… Read More

Sick on vacation: What applies to employees?

It is not uncommon for employees to become ill while on vacation. What is to be done then? The Federal Vacation Act clearly stipulates in this case: According to § 9, sick days are not counted towards annual leave. However, the prerequisite for this is that the inability to work is proven by a medical certificate. Not every illness automatically leads to incapacity for work. Incapacitated for work means that the illness prevents the employee from performing his or her specific work. The employer must be informed of the inability to work as soon as possible by telephone or e-mail.… Read More

Supermarket: The price at the checkout is valid

In the supermarket, the price at the checkout is valid—not the price on the shelf. This is pointed out by Stiftung Warentest and the consumer advice centre in Berlin, among others. The reason for this is the Price Indication Ordinance. This can result in a supposed bargain not being a bargain in reality. An example: On the shelf, the bottle of washing-up liquid is listed as a special offer with a price of 88 cents. At the checkout, however, the cashier enters 1.09 euros. The customer complains and insists on the lower price. In the end, she only paid the… Read More

University Hospital recommends masks again

To protect against corona and colds, the University Hospital in Tübingen recommends that patients, visitors and accompanying persons wear masks again in the hospital from 1 October. This was decided by the “Task Force Corona”, according to the press office of the hospital. The advice is to wear a simple mouth-nose protection, the so-called surgical mask. If possible, people should bring it with them and put it on when they enter the clinic. The mask is especially important if someone has a cough, cold or sore throat. “We would like to thank all those who help our patients, who are… Read More

Distrust job offers with super earnings

Little work and a lot of money: the police and consumer advice centers warn against such job offers. These offers are usually dubious and can have expensive consequences. One example: A young Syrian from Rottenburg, who was unemployed for a short time, discovered a job offer on the Internet—customer service at an international financial services provider. He got the job. Allegedly, he was supposed to advise customers as a financial agent on Bitcoin issues, among other things. In return, there was to be an hourly wage of 100 euros. In reality, the young man converted money into cryptocurrencies for fraudsters… Read More

How the Youth Welfare Office helps parents and children

The Youth Welfare Office supports parents in raising their children. At the same time, the authority also helps children and young people who are in need, for example because their parents are not able to look after them properly. Youth Welfare Offices are part of the administration, they exist in all districts and large cities. However, the offices also generally help to create a family-friendly environment, for example by offering recreational activities for children and young people. In Tübingen, Mössingen and Rottenburg, the district offers parents and children special family counselling centres where parents and children can get advice and… Read More

Residence permits in Tübingen now available electronically / Foreigners’ Office changes appointment procedure

In Tübingen, a residence title can now only be applied for or extended online. This document is needed by anyone who comes from a country outside the European Union and wants to stay in Germany for a longer period of time. Both—application and extension—can be done around the clock and without an appointment at the Foreigners’ Office. The link to the online application for an electronic residence permit (eAT) can be found on the municipal website at: The required documents are uploaded and transmitted directly in the online application. This allows the Foreigners’ Office to process the applications more… Read More

Deutschlandticket: How to get out of the subscription

The Deutschlandticket is only sold by subscription. Without cancellation, the contract will continue to run and cost money. Nevertheless, the subscription can also be terminated after one or a few months—all you have to do is send the notice of termination by the 10th of the current month at the latest. The procedure varies from provider to provider. At the Naldo transport association, the subscription can be cancelled at the customer centre. You can also do this online by clicking on the button on the homepage: There you will find the button “Submit cancellation”: With Deutsche Bahn, the… Read More

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