Future opening hours of municipal daycare centers in Tübingen

Starting in the 2023/2024 kindergarten year, Tübingen’s daycare centers (Kitas) will temporarily have new opening hours. The adjustment is being made because there is currently a shortage of specialist staff at the facilities. “The current staffing situation leaves us no choice but to temporarily shorten opening hours. In return, we can offer parents more reliability again,” says Mayor Boris Palmer. Those affected can find out about the guaranteed opening hours and the number of groups planned for the new kindergarten year at www.tuebingen.de/kita-oeffnungszeiten. tun23021503 www.tuenews.de Viele Kinder verbringen ihre Freizeit auf Spielplätzen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Nora Stöber. 000610

Trace the Face helps in the search for missing persons

Some people lose their relatives when they flee. They can search online for spouses, parents, siblings and other relatives and possibly establish contact. “Trace the Face” is the name of the free international tracing service run by the Red Cross and Red Crescent. On an online platform, searchers who are at least 15 years old can post a photo of themselves and indicate who they are looking for. All personal information is kept confidential. Photos of younger people are not published for their protection. But they can also search for missing persons. Every month there is a poster with photos… Read More

Study plus training at the Cooperative State University

After graduating from high school, do you want to study or do vocational training? In Germany, it is possible to combine both. Dual universities offer the chance to combine academic studies with practical work in a company. Phases of training in the company alternate with theory blocks at the university. At the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, there is also targeted assistance for young refugees from Ukraine. The Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) offers refugees from Ukraine free school-leaving evaluations and academic counseling. The DHBW has nine campuses in Baden-Württemberg, the closest of which is in Stuttgart. The university cooperates with… Read More

Dog owners must pay taxes

Anyone who owns a dog must register it with the municipality and pay dog tax. The dog tax is a municipal tax—each municipality can therefore set the amount, which can vary from place to place. The money goes into the budgets of the cities and municipalities. In Tübingen, one dog costs 144 euros in tax per year. In Rottenburg, the rate is 108 euros per year for one dog. If someone keeps several dogs, the tax rate there increases to 216.00 euros each for the second and each additional dog. The tax is paid annually. More details can be found… Read More

Editorial: One year

Wars, conflicts, natural disasters often affect members of the tünews INTERNATIONAL editorial team personally. This has been the case since the launch of our media project in 2015, especially for members of the editorial team from Syria and Afghanistan. And it has been repeated since February 24, 2022, when Russia escalated the war against Ukraine. On July 19, 2022, the first news in Ukrainian appeared on tünews INTERNATIONAL. Two refugee women from Ukraine joined our editorial team. They are in contact with friends and relatives in their regions of origin almost daily via smartphone. To date, we have published 120… Read More

German test for immigrants: new rules

There is a language test especially for immigrants—the German Test for Immigrants (DTZ). With it, they can prove knowledge at levels A2 and B1. Since January 2023, there are new rules. Anyone who wants to take the DTZ exam must either have a valid entitlement to attend an integration course or attend a course section of the integration course beforehand at their own expense. A course section (module) comprises 100 hours of instruction. At the Volkshochschule (VHS) Tübingen, for example, the full-day language exam costs 150 euros. Listeners of the VHS Tübingen, it says on the VHS homepage, get a… Read More

Integration courses: Help with Arrival

To help refugees from Ukraine find their way in Germany, the federal government offers integration courses and services for those seeking protection from Ukraine who have a temporary residence permit under Section 24 of the Residence Act. This can be read on the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Each integration course consists of a language course and an orientation course. General integration courses last 700 teaching units of 45 minutes each. In addition to these general integration courses, there are also special offers, for example for women, parents or young people, as well as intensive courses. At… Read More

Ukrainian driving licenses remain valid

Ukrainian driver’s licenses will remain valid in Germany and other EU countries until further notice. Refugees from Ukraine therefore do not have to have their driver’s licenses changed or translated for the time being. The prerequisite for this is that driving license holders have a corresponding protection status in Germany. This has already been in effect since July 27, 2022, based on an EU Parliament regulation (2022/1280) that came into force on that date. It will apply until March 6, 2025 at the latest. However, when the protection status for Ukrainian refugees ends, the recognition of Ukrainian driver’s licenses or… Read More

Rent increase: Where to find information

When you receive a letter from your landlord announcing a rent increase, it can be quite a shock. If you want to be sure that you won’t be paying too much money in the future, there are several places you can go for information. In addition, according to Stiftung Warentest, the tenant must agree to the increase. For example, the city of Tübingen provides information on its homepage about the requirements (https://www.tuebingen.de/26317.html). According to this, the landlord may only raise the rent by 15 percent within three years. This is because a cap applies in Tübingen in view of the… Read More

Youth ticket cheaper for Tübingen residents

In Baden-Württemberg, the youth ticket for local public transport (ÖPNV) will be available from March 1. With it, young people up to the age of 27 can travel throughout Baden-Württemberg for 365 euros a year, around the clock, on all days. In Tübingen, it is cheaper for students, trainees and people doing voluntary service. Prerequisite: You have to live in Tübingen and go to school there or do an apprenticeship or voluntary service. The city of Tübingen provides a subsidy. Then the youth ticket costs 264 euros per year (22 euros per month) for Tübingen residents, according to the public… Read More

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