How to find a doctor

How to find a doctor? This is not only a problem for migrants, but especially for them. There are plenty of commercial providers on the Internet that can help narrow down the search to specialties and locations. This service is also offered by health insurance companies, such as the AOK ( They also provide additional information on medical care. The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung), in which all physicians who treat patients covered by statutory health insurance are organized, also provides information on searching for physicians. ( If you have been referred to a specialist by… Read More

Move to another city: Possible, but not easy

Apartments and rooms are hard to find in Tübingen and the surrounding area and are usually very expensive. This makes some people think about moving. But are refugees from Ukraine allowed to simply move to another town or village where rents might be cheaper? In principle, this is possible, says the Tübingen District Office. In detail, however, it is not that simple. Above all, people who want to move must observe a few rules. Those who have only been in the country for a short time and only have a fictitious certificate according to §24 of the Residence Act can… Read More

Help with higher energy costs

The costs for energy have risen enormously. Those who earn little and have no assets can apply for assistance for the down payment or the additional payment. Depending on the personal situation, the social departments of the district, the city of Tübingen or the Job Centre are responsible. Detailed information can be found under the search term “increased heating costs” on the pages, and The application for assistance must be submitted in the month in which the back payment of heating costs is due. If you fail to do so, you can apply for a loan from… Read More

Indians, Chinese, Persians or Arabs: Who invented chess?

By Oula Mahfouz The interest in the origins of the game began with a conversation over a game of chess in the family. “Checkmate, Omar. Do you know that the origin of chess is Arabic, because ‘checkmate’ is Arabic and means ‘the king has died’.” “No, mum, chess comes from India,” the nine-year-old replied. His twelve-year-old brother Mohammad intervened in the discussion and said, “No, you’re both wrong, the game comes from Persia.” The two boys seemed very sure of their opinion. When I looked for the origin of the game, I discovered that there are very different explanations and… Read More

Freedom struggle of Ukraine on film

A series of Ukrainian films will be shown in the cinema “Atelier”. The project “Live Fight Love Rebuild—Realities of life in Ukraine” is a film series about the current political and cultural situation in Ukraine. The films are shown once a month in the original Ukrainian language with German subtitles. Some of the topics will be discussed at Café Haag after the film screenings. There is also the possibility to donate for the project “Support of Ukraine” of Cassiopeia e.V. ( and SonnenBlau. The money will be used for humanitarian and medical aid in Ukraine. The films start at 6… Read More

A winter fairy tale: Bus driver Olga, two Ukrainian women and a bag

Around the turn of the year, miracles sometimes happen. Not only in movies, but also in real life. Yana and her family experienced one. She wrote it down for tuenewsINTERNATIONAL: “I was exhausted that day. Honestly, just like any other day since I moved to Germany. Or after the ‘escape’. I just don’t like that word. Classes at the university in the morning, German classes in the afternoon, then, English classes in the evening, and my office job very late in the evening. That day it was snowing. 10 minutes before my English class ended, my mom sent me a… Read More

Winter outdoor picnic: Where barbecuing is allowed

You can barbecue in winter, too—but in Germany, roasting over an open fire is only allowed in designated areas. Around Tübingen, there are a number of barbecue areas. Grills are installed there, so all you need to bring, besides the barbecue, is dry firewood to start a fire. Sometimes there is a grate for the barbecue, but often it is advisable to bring a skewer. Trees may not be cut down for this purpose, nor may branches be cut off. In order to prevent forest fires, sometimes even barbecuing at barbecue sites is prohibited in hot summers. The barbecue areas… Read More

A good start in the new country

Refugees from Ukraine are mostly highly qualified. 17 percent are already employed. Many of the more than one million war refugees from Ukraine have already settled in quite well in Germany—or are on their way to doing so. This is the result of the study “Refugees from Ukraine in Germany”. The research unit of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and three other institutions surveyed 11,000 people for the study. According to the study, 17 percent of the refugees are already employed, half are attending a language course and 60 percent live in their own apartment. Most bring… Read More

What Elif and Omar Ali experienced in temporary work

By Brigitte Gisel Opportunities and risks of temporary work. What rules apply and where to get information. Elif (name changed) is not well disposed towards his former temporary employment agency. “When I returned to work after my corona illness, the shift supervisor sent me home,” says the young Afghan. He was told that the company wanted to make sure that Elif would not infect anyone despite the negative tests. The young Afghan did as he was told, but at the end of the month, three days were suddenly missing from his pay slip. When he asked about it, he was… Read More

Online job search at the employment agency

A reliable portal for independent job search is offered by the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). On the official homepage, individual job offers can be searched for with just a few clicks. The search engine can filter job offers according to a specific occupational field or profession. However, the search can also be narrowed down to a specific city or state. In addition, one can select the desired work format: Full-time or part-time work, online jobs, mini-jobs or work on weekends or night shifts. The portal is presented in German, English and Arabic. For other languages, the automatic translation… Read More

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