Attacks on refugees on the rise

The number of attacks on refugees has increased significantly: In the first half of 2023, there were 704 attacks against refugees and 80 attacks on shelters. This is revealed in the federal government’s response to a small question from the parliamentary group “Die Linke” in the German Bundestag. In the first half of 2022, there were 544 attacks on refugees and 52 attacks on their shelters. According to the federal government, there were a total of 1,420 politically motivated attacks on asylum seekers and refugees in 2022, which also represented an increase compared to 2021. 83 percent of these crimes… Read More

Development Aid for Europe—800 Years of Muslim Culture in Andalusia

By Oula Mahfouz and Michael Seifert Tourists who visit Andalusia in southern Spain to see the architectural and artistic remains of an empire that was ruled by Islam for 800 years are amazed. They realise how much of Europe’s medieval culture is due to the inhabitants of this Muslim empire in the south of Europe. The purpose of this article is to trace important historical foundations for this and to name examples. The Arabic name “al-Andalus” (Andalusia) refers to a historical region that existed on the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) from the 8th to the 15th century. The exact… Read More

Recognize fake shops on the internet

Customers are increasingly ordering and paying for goods online, but they are not delivered. Consumer Advice Center warns of more and more online fake shops. Therefore, it has developed a search engine. This service allows customers to identify fraudulent providers where the Internet address of an online shop can be entered at the address In the sign light, red means the provider is on a fake shop list. Yellow means there are no clear characteristics, while green means the shop is trustworthy. In addition, the Federal Office for Information Security provides seven tips with detailed information on its website… Read More

After two years of Taliban rule: worldwide refugees from Afghanistan

5.7 million refugees and asylum seekers from Afghanistan were living outside their homeland at the end of 2022, according to the UN refugee agency UNHCR. People from Afghanistan thus form the third largest refugee group in the world—after refugees from Syria and Ukraine. About 286,000 Afghan refugees and asylum seekers live in Germany. This makes Germany the third largest host country. Around 90 percent of Afghan refugees are in the two neighboring countries of Iran (around 3.4 million) and Pakistan (around 1.7 million). Two years after the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, the Integration media service compiled the most important… Read More

How to call in sick

If you are sick, you cannot work. However, in order to avoid trouble with superiors at work and to ensure that wages continue to be paid, certain rules must be observed. Sick leave plays a very important role in this. What do you do if you cannot work because you are ill? The most important thing is to inform the employer immediately. If you are suffering from flu or have broken your foot, you must inform the company immediately and also tell them how long you will be absent. This can be done by phone or email, according to the… Read More

Kitas are not yet the desired driver of integration

Exactly 10 years after the introduction of the legal right to a daycare place for children after the age of one, the German Council of Experts on Integration and Migration (SVR) presents an analysis of how this law is being implemented for children with an immigrant background. According to the report, immigrant families are still at a disadvantage when it comes to daycare centers: The hurdles to finding a daycare place are higher for them, their children attend a daycare center less often than children without an immigrant background. According to figures from 2020, 40 percent of children under the… Read More

The Syrian city of Dura Europos, “Pompeii of the desert“ and multicultural centre

By Youssef Kanjou There are many archaeological sites in Syria that are well-known among archaeologists and in tourism. This is true, for example, of Palmyra on the Western Desert, the city of Mari on the Euphrates and the city of Ugarit on the Syrian coast. But Dura Europos, “Pompeii of the East“ or “Pompeii of the Desert“ as it is also called, is not as famous as other archaeological cities—despite its cultural and historical importance as well as being a very important stop for trade caravans. The comparison with Pompeii is made because in Dura Europos, as in Pompeii, many… Read More

Most refugees come from Syria

The number of applications from refugees in Germany is on the rise again. This is reported by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). It has accepted 150,166 initial applications for the first half of this year (2022: 84,583). This represents an increase of 77.5 per cent, according to the BAMF. With 43,532, most of the initial applications came from people from Syria. The vast majority of them are allowed to stay in Germany. Afghanistan follows in second place (27,310 initial applications). In the first half of 2023, 5966 people from Iran and 5669 from Iraq submitted initial applications.… Read More

Opportunity Residence: Already Tens of Thousands of Applications

So far, one in three tolerated persons who have lived in Germany for more than five years has filed an application under the “Opportunity Residence Act”. It is an opportunity to acquire a permanent right to stay in Germany. According to a survey by the Integration media service, 49,000 applications have been submitted since the beginning of the year. 17,000 of these have been granted, while 2,100 applications have been rejected. The “residence permit on probation” had been introduced on December 31 of last year. To clear the first hurdle on the way from toleration to residence permit, three requirements… Read More

The world’s largest cemetery is near Baghdad

By Sameer Ibrahim The Wadi Al-Salaam cemetery near Najaf in the southwest of the Iraqi capital Baghdad is one of the most important burial sites for Shiite Muslims and also the largest cemetery in the world. According to estimates, there are more than five million graves there, many times the population of the city of Najaf of one and a half million. Millions of Shiites make a pilgrimage to the cemetery every year, from all over the world and also from Iran. The cemetery is on Iraq’s proposed list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. People have been buried in the… Read More

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