Resignation: initially no unemployment benefit

Anyone who wants to quit their job themselves should contact the Employment Agency beforehand. Then the employee can discuss everything with the agency’s specialists and register as a jobseeker after giving notice. Employees who give notice themselves must expect consequences. They receive a blocking period and no unemployment benefits during this blocking period. The blocking period usually lasts twelve weeks if the employee resigns without important reasons. Important reasons can be mobbing at work or sexual harassment at work. However, this must be proven. During the lockout period, the employment agency pays the contributions to health and long-term care insurance.… Read More

The short way to the birth certificate

Many Ukrainian women waiting for the birth of their child in Germany wonder how to obtain a birth certificate for their son or daughter. To do so, the child must first be registered at the registry office of the German place of birth. This does not imply German citizenship. A German birth certificate, certified with a so-called Apostille stamp, together with a translation into Ukrainian, is valid with all Ukrainian authorities. According to the current Ukrainian legislation, the registration of a newborn child at the place of birth or at the place of residence of the parents is done on… Read More

Islamic Studies: Many work at schools

Most graduates of Islamic theological studies at German universities work as teachers or in social work. This is the result of a study by the Academy for Islam in Science and Society (AIWG). It was conducted at Goethe University in Frankfurt in cooperation with the universities of Gießen and Mainz. “After graduation, about 44 percent of the graduates went into the educational field, about 26 percent into social work and about 15 percent into academia. Only about 13 percent are active in community work and about seven percent in pastoral care,” the Mediendienst Integration quotes the result of the study.… Read More

What the health insurance pays at the dentist

When it comes to the dentist, the statutory health insurances for war refugees from Ukraine also cover a large part of the medical services. “As soon as a refugee from Ukraine is a member of a statutory health insurance fund, he or she is entitled to the same benefits as any other member of the statutory health insurance fund,” says the Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists (KZVBW). The prerequisite is that the refugees have a fictitious certificate or a residence permit. Different regulations apply to asylum seekers. The statutory health insurance thus covers all necessary treatments for the… Read More

In last place: Germany as a host country for foreign professionals

In a recently published ranking of host countries for skilled workers, Germany is in 52nd and thus last place. 12,000 professionals from 192 nations took part in a survey conducted by “InterNations”, the world’s largest association of “expats”. This term is used to describe people who leave their home country to work abroad but do not emigrate. The best performers in this ranking are the so-called oil states of the Middle East, emerging countries in East Asia, as well as Estonia and Canada. Germany ranks at the bottom in all categories of the survey: Language (49th), digital infrastructure (48th), housing… Read More

TV contribution: Many do not have to pay

Refugees who live in their own apartment also receive mail from the contribution center of the public broadcaster. In it, they are asked to register for the broadcasting fees (formerly GEZ contribution). This is in accordance with German law, and the details can be found at It is important to respond to the letter quickly, because there is a possibility to be exempted from the fees if, for example, you receive social benefits. Asylum seekers, persons entitled to asylum as well as refugees from Ukraine, who live in Germany on the basis of §24 of the Residence Act and… Read More

German language is a passport for medical students

By Oula Mahfouz Recently, many young people have enrolled at the German language institutes in the Syrian capital of Damascus—especially medical and nursing students. They hope to get a job abroad so they can leave the country. There are various reasons for the increasing migration from the areas of the Syrian regime, such as bypassing compulsory military service, searching for a safe place and looking for job opportunities. The economic situation in Syria continues to deteriorate. There are hardly any jobs. Migration from Syria is fraught with great difficulties. However, doctors are an exception. They have the possibility to obtain… Read More

Colorful Easter eggs

Why are Easter eggs colorful? Children would be told: so that they can more easily find the eggs that the Easter Bunny hides for them in the green grass. But that’s just one story surrounding the brightly painted chicken eggs. Easter eggs, which are colorfully dyed in the week before the Christian Easter, have a long tradition in Christianity. Eggs have been considered a symbol of fertility there for many centuries. But how it came to egg coloring and thus to today’s “Easter eggs” is not clearly documented. There are several explanations. One of them, according to Wikipedia, says that… Read More

Halal and Haram: What’s behind these terms?

By Oula Mahfouz The term “Halal” is often used when referring to food, but what exactly does it mean in the Islamic religion? The word “Halal” means “permitted” and refers to things and actions that are allowed in Islam, but it does not only refer to food. The opposite of the word “Halal” is the word “Haram”. In between is the word “Makruh” and it means “unpopular” or “undesirable”. This denotes what one should rather not do, but if one does not do it, it is not a sin. What is considered “Halal” and “Haram”, there are sometimes different opinions.… Read More

Memory of a sunken city

By Jonas Brachmann Today we will present a coin from ancient Samosata, a city in Roman Syria. Samosata was located near the modern city of Samsat in eastern Turkey, in the area affected by the severe earthquake. The bronze coin is 3.3 cm in diameter and 17 g in weight. The obverse shows a portrait bust of a beardless young man facing right. He wears a cuirass, a cloak over it, and a laurel wreath adorns his hair. The legend in Greek indicates that the coin was minted during the reign of the Roman emperor Philipus Arabs (247–249 AD), and… Read More

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