No more masks from Easter

The obligation to wear masks ends throughout Germany on Good Friday, 7 April. However, FFP2 masks must still be worn in certain cases until this date. This applies to visitors in hospitals and care facilities. In addition, patients and visitors in doctors’ surgeries, dialysis and other health care facilities such as rehabilitation clinics must also wear FFP2 masks until 7 April. See tun23032901 FFP2-Masken. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus. 001001      

A blanket ban on headscarves in the workplace is not legally permissible

A general ban on headscarves in the civil service, for example for female judges, teachers or police officers, is not constitutionally permissible. The Federal Constitutional Court confirmed this once again in January 2023 and did not allow a lawsuit by the state of Berlin. Such a ban is currently still in force in Berlin, and this law must now be amended. How the legal situation is in the private sector, the “Mediendienst Integration” has currently compiled. According to this, the ban on wearing a headscarf in the workplace violates the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). Wearing a headscarf may also… Read More

Grants for start-ups

Refugees who are registered with the employment office may also be able to receive financial support from the employment agency if they want to start their own business. However, whether and which subsidies are possible through the employment agency can only be clarified in concrete individual cases in a discussion with the responsible mediator. They will also explain which requirements applicants must meet in order to have a chance of receiving funding. The first decisive factor is whether a potential company founder is receiving unemployment benefits or if he or she is receiving a citizen’s allowance. The job center is… Read More

Insect powder in food must be labeled

The European Union is allowing more insects to be used in food: the house cricket and the larva of the grain mold beetle. As early as 2021, the mealworm and the migratory locust have been approved as alternative sources of protein. Products such as bread or pasta in which insects ground into powder are used must be labeled on the package with the Latin and German names of the insects. One reason: allergic reactions can occur. This is not only problematic for allergy sufferers. Muslims will also read the list of ingredients carefully—for religious reasons. Muslim scholars have different opinions.… Read More

Ukrainian Post opens German branch

The Ukrainian postal company “Nova Poshta” plans to open its first branch in Germany in April in Berlin. Further locations are planned in Munich, Cologne, Hamburg and ten other German cities. This was announced by the logistics company’s co-owner, Volodymyr Popereshnyuk, on his Facebook page. “Nova Poshta” is a joint stock company that operates the national postal system on behalf of the Ukrainian state. The company’s official Facebook page announced that “Nova Poshta” will gradually open branches across Europe. Currently, the postal operator operates in Lithuania, Poland and Moldova. In Poland, “Nova Poshta” delivers items that Ukrainian refugees have sent… Read More

Consulates of Ukraine: where and how they help

There are five diplomatic missions of Ukraine in Germany: the Consular Section of the Embassy in Berlin, the Consulate General of Ukraine in Hamburg, the Consulate General of Ukraine in Munich, the Consulate General of Ukraine in Düsseldorf and the Consulate General of Ukraine in Frankfurt am Main. Registration is required in all cases. The consulates of Ukraine are responsible, for example, if Ukrainian citizens need a passport or want to register birth or marriage certificates. Refugees can also have an identity card issued there for their return to Ukraine. Documents are also notarized and Ukrainians can use the services… Read More

Singing in Iraq

By Sameer Ibrahim People in Mesopotamia, today’s Iraq, knew singing and music since ancient times. There are written sources for this on clay tablets and archaeological findings of musical instruments from the Sumerian culture of up to 6,000 years ago. Everyone knows what invasions and wars Iraq has experienced, the voice of song always expressed the feelings and concerns of the people. Therefore, the Iraqi song was characterized by sadness. This sadness has become a characteristic that distinguishes Iraqi music from music in other Arab countries. A famous Iraqi singer coined the phrase, “A person without sadness is a jubilee… Read More

Cell Broadcast: Alarm directly to the cell phone

In the event of severe storms, floods, a chemical accident or a dangerous major fire, the population has also been warned by cell broadcast since February 23 of this year. All cell phones and smartphones logged into the affected radio cells receive alerts with a short message and a beep. “With no other warning channel can we reach more people directly,” writes the responsible Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). Nevertheless, sirens continue to wail in some places, the police drive through the town with loudspeaker trucks and there are warnings via app or on the radio.… Read More

Help on the way to self-employment

Many migrants are considering starting their own business in Germany. The Federal Employment Agency and the IQ network offer free advice, support and assistance in taking the first steps toward self-employment. The most important prerequisite for becoming self-employed in Germany is a residence permit – unless you are a citizen of an EU country, the European Economic Area or Switzerland. Another requirement is good German language skills – both speaking and writing. A business plan, detailed financial planning and financial reserves are also required. Potential founders must also have the necessary professional qualifications and hold the required accreditations or permits.… Read More

Entitlement to household help

Anyone who is no longer able to run their household due to illness, pregnancy, childbirth or a cure can apply to the health insurance fund for household help. This is possible under the following conditions: The applicant belongs to a statutory health insurance fund and needs a medical certificate. No one else living in the family can take over the household management. A child under 12 years of age or a disabled child lives in the household. However, this is not necessary in the case of complaints during pregnancy or after birth. Household help can also be applied for by… Read More

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