A good start in the new country

Refugees from Ukraine are mostly highly qualified. 17 percent are already employed. Many of the more than one million war refugees from Ukraine have already settled in quite well in Germany—or are on their way to doing so. This is the result of the study “Refugees from Ukraine in Germany”. The research unit of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and three other institutions surveyed 11,000 people for the study. According to the study, 17 percent of the refugees are already employed, half are attending a language course and 60 percent live in their own apartment. Most bring… Read More

What Elif and Omar Ali experienced in temporary work

By Brigitte Gisel Opportunities and risks of temporary work. What rules apply and where to get information. Elif (name changed) is not well disposed towards his former temporary employment agency. “When I returned to work after my corona illness, the shift supervisor sent me home,” says the young Afghan. He was told that the company wanted to make sure that Elif would not infect anyone despite the negative tests. The young Afghan did as he was told, but at the end of the month, three days were suddenly missing from his pay slip. When he asked about it, he was… Read More

Online job search at the employment agency

A reliable portal for independent job search is offered by the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). On the official homepage, individual job offers can be searched for with just a few clicks. The search engine can filter job offers according to a specific occupational field or profession. However, the search can also be narrowed down to a specific city or state. In addition, one can select the desired work format: Full-time or part-time work, online jobs, mini-jobs or work on weekends or night shifts. The portal is presented in German, English and Arabic. For other languages, the automatic translation… Read More

Superstition: Hospitality

According to the definition of the online Duden dictionary, superstition is “a belief in the effectiveness of supernatural forces in certain people and things that are viewed as erroneous”. These include sayings, symbols, and rituals that are used in everyday life. The content differs depending on the culture, and even the region. By the tünews INTERNATIONAL’s editors, we have compiled the following examples from Afghanistan, Syria, and Germany: Many sayings and divinations revolve around hospitality in Arabian and Persian-speaking countries. For example, if a Syrian’s eye blinks, then he hurries to tidy up the home because an important or dear… Read More

Superstition: good luck and bad luck

According to the definition of the online Duden Dictionary, superstition is “a belief in the effectiveness of supernatural forces in certain people and things that are viewed as erroneous”. These beliefs include sayings, symbols, and rituals that are used in everyday life. The content differs depending on the culture, and even the region. By the tünews INTERNATIONAL’s editors, we have compiled the following examples from Afghanistan, Syria, and Germany: This custom from Syria is considered a good omen for marriage: before the wedding, the bride sticks a piece of dough at the entrance of her husband’s house. Dough that sticks… Read More

Offset inflation a little

Employers can voluntarily pay employees up to 3000 euros. This is provided for by the inflation compensation bonus. Until 31 December 2024, the bonus can be paid in addition to wages free of tax and social security contributions—also in partial amounts. The bonus will not be counted as income in the case of income-related social benefits (e.g. unemployment benefit II). This is stated by the federal government in a press release. The inflation compensation premium is part of the third federal relief package. See https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/entlastung-fuer-deutschland/inflationsausgleichspraemie-2130190 tun22121501 www.tuenews.de Geldscheine und Münzen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. 000987    

Superstition: money and symbols

According to the definition of the online Duden Dictionary, superstition is “a belief in the effectiveness of supernatural forces in certain people and things that are viewed as erroneous”. These include sayings, symbols, and rituals that are used in everyday life. The content differs depending on the culture, often even the region. By the tünews INTERNATIONAL’s editors, we have compiled the following examples from Afghanistan, Syria, and Germany: Afghanistan and Syria believe that a tickle in the left hand will bring money to the person. With the tickle of the right hand, on the other hand, one expects soon to… Read More

Send aid packages to Ukraine free of charge

With the parcel service provider DHL, private individuals can send relief goods to Ukraine free of charge. All they have to do is download the appropriate label from the homepage. Then they can post the parcels addressed to “Humanitarian Aid Ukraine” at post offices. They must not weigh more than 20 kilos. This is communicated by the company upon request. Express shipments, letters or heavy freight cannot be sent in this way, it adds. However, it is not possible to send parcels to selected addresses. DHL transports the parcels in Germany to the transfer points to the Ukrainian postal service… Read More

At night to the pharmacy emergency service

Most pharmacies are open between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Some are open a little longer, others close earlier. However, anyone who urgently needs medication outside these hours can contact the pharmacy emergency service around the clock. However, between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. and all day on Sundays and public holidays, an emergency service fee of 2.50 euros is usually charged. This is only waived if the doctor marks the prescription with “noctu”. Then the health insurance takes over the costs. The pharmacy portal Aponet informs about it. The next pharmacy ready for service can be… Read More

Violence in Iran to be investigated

The United Nations Human Rights Council has passed a resolution on violence against protesters in Iran. Independent experts are to investigate the Iranian government’s violations of human rights. They are also to collect evidence to one day hold those responsible accountable. This is reported by the media. Germany and Iceland had submitted the request in Geneva. The majority of the member states of the Human Rights Council agreed. Since the beginning of the protests in Iran in mid-September, more than 300 people are reported to have died. Volker Türk, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, called for the… Read More

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