People make climate change

By Ute Kaiser This summer, the news about natural catastrophes was overwhelming: heat and drought, heavy rain and floods, forest fires and storms. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has now published a report on the reasons for these extreme weather conditions. The earth is heating up faster than assumed. This climate change is caused by humans. Their influence can be clearly demonstrated. This is the conclusion reached by more than 230 researchers worldwide. They have evaluated about 14,000 studies for the IPCC report. The greatest responsibility is borne by the industrialised countries and the newly industrialised… Read More

The battle for votes in the Bundestag election / Merkel era ends

By Ute Kaiser The final spurt for the 2021 federal election has begun. Posters are hanging in squares and streets. On them, parties and candidates are canvassing for votes for the election on Sunday, 26 September, from 8 am to 6 pm. The Bundestag (= the parliament) in Berlin is elected every four years. The Bundestag represents all the people in Germany. Anyone who is at least 18 years old and has German citizenship may vote. Those entitled to vote are sent an official election notification. The election is secret. No one is allowed to see who a person is… Read More

Despite training or studies: hurdles in the recognition of foreign qualifications

By Ute Kaiser Lobna Alhindi has a goal. The 36-year-old Syrian wants to work in a qualified profession. And: “I want to be on the safe side, with a certificate in my hand.” But she has to overcome high hurdles to achieve this. The German authorities only partially recognise her school-leaving certificate and her studies in Syria. The responsible regional council in Stuttgart certified her as having the “level of an intermediate educational qualification” in 2019. This level corresponds to the Realschulabschluss or the Fachschulreife. With this, she could start an apprenticeship. She was “very disappointed” by this decision. The… Read More

First study about „Russian-Germans”: well-integrated

Since the end of the 1980s, 2.7 million people from countries of the former Soviet Union have migrated to Germany. With about 3.5 million, they form the largest immigrant group today. However, little is known about their situation. The migrant researcher Jannis Panagiotidis (University of Osnabrück, University of Wien since 1/8/2021) has recently published the first comprehensive study about this population group, which he calls “post-soviet migrants”. Incidentally, the current German tennis Olympia winner Alexander Zverev also belongs to that group. The largest part of the post-soviet migrants is from Russia and Kazakhstan, but also from Ukraine. One part of… Read More

Security measures on social media for people in Afghanistan

Facebook and Instagram allow people in Afghanistan to protect their accounts from getting spied on. Nathaniel Gleicher, Head of Security Policy at Facebook, wrote this on Twitter on 19 August. People in Afghanistan could lock their accounts for other users with a single click. This means that only friends can see the photos or posts in a user’s timeline. In addition, the possibility to search the friend lists of other users has been suspended in Afghanistan for a short time. This is to prevent the Taliban from tracking down political opponents on Facebook, such as former employees of foreign armed… Read More

Bewilderment concerning the situation of the people in Afghanistan

What should we at tünews INTERNATIONAL write about the change of power in Afghanistan? We discussed this for hours in our editorial meeting. We heard about the bafflement of our colleagues whose family members have died in the almost five-decade-long war. Suddenly everything in vain? Of relatives who had previously worked as teachers or in administration. We wondered what future awaits them now? With Iran’s interest in water resources and China’s in mineral resources, and Russia’s concern about terrorist attacks in neighboring countries like Tajikistan. Of warlords who want to regain power. Which money is used to establish which order?… Read More

Tips against food moths

Moths enjoy cereal. Especially in the summer. The silver-grey insects also fly on pulses, rice, flour, dry fruit, chocolate and even dry animal food. How do the food moths get into the kitchen? The consumer advice center says that they often already get into the house with the shopping. However, they also get inside through an open window. Experts advise to do something against these insects. People who consume foods that are infested with moths can get allergies or gastrointestinal diseases. How can you discover food moths and get rid of them? Glue traps with pheromones attract male moths. These… Read More

Corona vaccination recommended for 12- to 17-year-olds

The Standing Vaccination Committee (Stiko) has considered for a long time and now decided: They’re now also recommending a corona vaccination for 12- to 17-year-olds. The Stiko announced that their assessment is “that according to the current level of knowledge, the benefits of a vaccination outweigh the risks of very rare side-effects”. Among others, the Stiko draws this conclusion from data that was collected in US studies. There, almost 10 million children and youths have been vaccinated so far. In addition, the new delta variant of the virus has led to a “significantly higher risk” of infection for children and… Read More

Information on corona tests for air travel

For most destinations, a negative Corona test is required before travelling. The airlines check this before departure. If the documents are not complete and valid, travel is not possible. A negative Corona test is required for entry or return travel to Germany, which must be done before entering Germany. Fully vaccinated persons, convalescents, and children under the age of twelve are exempt from the test requirement. On a flight exclusively within Germany, no negative Corona test proof is required. Individual airlines implement the travel guidelines of the Federal Government differently. It is therefore advisable to enquire directly with the respective… Read More

No deportations to Afghanistan for the moment

The Taliban are taking more and more areas in Afghanistan. Therefore, the security situation has gotten worse and worse since the international troops withdrew. As a consequence, some countries, among them Germany, won’t deport any more people to Afghanistan for the moment. This was announced by a spokesperson of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has changed his position because of the developments in Afghanistan. So far, he and the federal government rejected a general halt to deportation. The Federal Foreign Office is currently still working on a report about the situation in Afghanistan. This report… Read More

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