Many candidates’ posters are currently hanging on the roadside in Tübingen. Two women and four men are running for mayor on Sunday, 23 October—including Boris Palmer, who has been in office for 16 years. Each term of office lasts eight years.
The OB candidates will introduce themselves at a municipal information evening. The event begins on Wednesday, 5 October, at 7 p.m. in the Hermann-Hepper-Halle and will also be broadcast on the internet.
Around 69,000 citizens of Tübingen are eligible to vote. They must be German citizens or citizens of a Member State of the European Union and at least 16 years old on election day. They must also have been resident in Tübingen for at least three months. Each person entitled to vote has only one vote.
If no candidate receives more than half of the valid votes on the first election Sunday, there will be a new election on Sunday, 13 November.
Info: The stream and further information on the Tübingen election for mayor can be found on the internet at and on general elections for mayor in Baden-Württemberg at
Wahlplakate in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.