International Women’s Day is a day of action that draws attention to women’s rights and gender equality worldwide. On the one hand, the day celebrates the achievements of the women’s rights movement and, on the other hand, creates awareness for continuing discrimination and inequalities.
For this year’s International Women’s Day, the city of Tübingen and the “Aktionsbündnis Gleichstellung Tübingen” invite you to various events: From Thursday, March 3 to Wednesday, March 9, two film festivals will take place at the German-American Institute d.a.i as well as Kino Museum and Kino Arsenal. Tickets cost between 6 and 10 euros. On Tuesday, March 8, the Women’s Network will hold a spectacle on the Holzmarkt in front of the Stiftskirche under the motto “We want to weave a bond of solidarity—loud, self-confident and colorful.” By making noise with pot lids and dancing, the women want to protest, among other things, against the discrimination of families in the Corona crisis and the violence against women in Afghanistan. Furthermore, there are online lectures on various topics such as work in care and child rearing or the World Conference on Women. Those who wish to attend the lectures must register by mail.
More information on the program and registration at:
Aktionsbroschuere_8Maerz_2022_I_mL.pdf (
Das Kino Museum in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.