Housing benefit recipients receive subsidy for heating costs

The cost of energy is rising and placing a particular burden on people with low incomes. The state of Baden-Württemberg wants to support recipients of housing allowances. On September 1, they will receive a one-time subsidy for heating costs. The subsidy increases with the size of the household. Those who live alone and receive housing benefit will receive 270 euros. Households with two persons receive 350 euros. For each additional member of the household, there is 70 euros each. The money is paid out automatically without an application. Around 74,000 households in Baden-Württemberg are eligible. The ministry responsible expects the total cost to be around 26 million euros.
More information: https://www.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/service/presse/pressemitteilung/pid/wohngeldbeziehende-erhalten-einmaligen-heizkostenzuschuss/

Rauchende Schornsteine über den Dächern Tübingens. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.


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