According to estimates by the Federal Statistical Office, 8.95 million Germans of voting age have a migrant background for the European elections on 9 June, which corresponds to 17 per cent of German voters. Around 1.2 million of them have a Turkish migration background. According to the Federal Office’s definition, people have a migrant background if they themselves or at least one of their parents were not born with German citizenship.

For the first time, young people aged 16 and over can also vote in the upcoming EU parliamentary elections. In this age group, the proportion of people with a migration background is particularly high at 45 per cent. There are around 413,000 compared to 503,000 people without a migration background.
In addition to the 60 million German voters with and without a migration background, around 4.1 million EU foreigners living permanently in Germany are also entitled to vote. They can vote either in their country of origin or in Germany.
Beflaggung vor dem Tübinger Regierungspräsidium. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.