Requesting children’s sick days by telephone

Since mid-December, parents have been able to ask their doctor to confirm by telephone that they need to look after a sick child at home. This was agreed by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds (GKV) and the Federal Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), as reported by the “Ärzteblatt”. The certificate is valid for a maximum of five days. The prerequisite is that the doctor knows the child and considers the sick note by telephone to be justified. A visit to the doctor’s office is therefore no longer necessary. The certificate is the prerequisite for the… Read More

Sick notes by phone again

Patients with mild symptoms can take sick leave without going to a doctor’s surgery. However, unlike during the coronavirus pandemic, sick leave by phone is only valid for five days. The prerequisites are that patients do not have severe symptoms, the patients are known to the doctor’s surgery and there are no video consultations. This was decided by the joint federal committee of doctors, health insurance companies and clinics. Patients should call the practice. A doctor will call them back and clarify whether they need to come to the practice for an examination after all. Patients must inform their employer… Read More

More and more refugees have jobs—including as skilled workers

The situation for refugees on the German labor market has changed significantly between 2016 and 2020. 55 percent of refugee men had a job in 2020. Four years earlier, it was only 16 percent. The employees initially started with an unskilled job. However, by 2020, a third of 18- to 65-year-old men had become skilled workers (with several years of training or a comparable qualification). These were the findings of a study by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and the University of Bamberg. The proportion of refugee women in employment also increased—from 6 percent in 2016 to 17… Read More

Jobcenter supports coaching

If the conditions are right, the job centre supports migrants who would like to take advantage of professional coaching. The job centre then provides a so-called “activation and placement voucher” and covers the costs for the “Migration and the labour market” coaching, for example. This is organised by private providers. The individual advisor at the job centre knows which conditions must be met for the activation and placement voucher. However, the job centre points out on its website that there is no legal entitlement to the voucher. The coaching programme is intended to provide help with professional development. Depending on… Read More

Minimum wage rises to 12.41 euros in 2024

The minimum wage will rise by 41 cents to 12.41 euros on 1 January 2024. This was decided by the Federal Cabinet. It will be raised by a further 41 cents to 12.82 on 1 January 2025. In doing so, the federal government is implementing the decision of the Minimum Wage Commission. The statutory minimum wage is the absolute wage floor. It has applied to all employees since 2015, with a few exceptions. However, there are special minimum wages in a large number of sectors. For example, temporary workers have been paid at least 13 euros per hour since April… Read More

Holidays do not automatically expire

Shortly before the end of the year, many employees ask themselves: Do my remaining days of holiday actually expire if I do not take them by the end of December? In most cases, no. But the details are rather complicated. It is easiest if there is a clear regulation in the company. Often you can then carry over holiday days into the new year and have to take them by 31 March. The personnel department or the works council will know the exact rules. In principle, however, leave is no longer automatically forfeited. This has been decided by the European… Read More

Help in many languages for traumatized people

Refugio cares for traumatized refugees. The independent association supports those affected and their relatives. Understanding is important in counseling and therapy. This is why Refugio normally employs language and cultural mediators at the advice center in the Pfrondorf district of Tübingen—usually gender-specific: women for clients, men for clients. Refugio is always looking for language mediators from Arabic to Dari to Somali. Among other things, they must have very good knowledge of German and the interpreted language as well as secure residence status in Germany. Their work is remunerated. Information about Refugio: and tun23102502 Neckarbrücke mit Bepflanzung. tünews… Read More

Immigration: More opportunities for skilled workers

There is a shortage of well-trained people in many sectors in Germany. That is why there is a new law to allow skilled workers to immigrate. This is new from November 18: foreign skilled workers with vocational training or academic qualifications are entitled to a residence permit. They are no longer restricted to jobs related to their education (see link below). Immigration opportunities with the European Union (EU) Blue Card for non-EU foreigners have also been restructured (see the link below). The following changes will apply from November: The limits for the minimum salary will be lowered: for professions in… Read More

Free seminar on setting up in business on November 11 and 12

Anyone who is interested in setting up a business and wants to become self-employed can register for a seminar that will take place on Saturday and Sunday, November 11 and 12, in each case all day from 9 a.m., at the Open Innovation Campus Westspitze, Eisenbahnstraße 1. The seminar deals with the three topic blocks business idea and business plan, administration and organization as well as financing of the Selbstständigkeit. In addition, interested parties will learn where they can get support. Participants will receive seminar documentation and a certificate of attendance. The seminar is free of charge. Registration is required… Read More

Citizen’s income to rise from January 1, 2024

It’s been decided: The citizen’s income and social assistance will be increased from January 1, 2024. Single adults will then receive 563 euros a month. That is 61 euros more, or twelve percent. There will also be around twelve percent more for personal school supplies. Payments under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act will also increase. This was announced by the federal government. Background are enormously risen costs of living and higher prices for energy. The new rates for social assistance and citizen’s allowance per month: single / single parents 563 euros (plus 61 euros); couples per partner 506 euros (plus… Read More

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