Changing jobs–this is how to do it without hassle

By Brigitte Gisel Workers are in demand in many sectors. So, the chances of finding a new job that pays better and offers new perspectives are quite good. But if you want to change employers, you have to follow a few rules. You can’t quit from one day to the next. How quickly you can leave your old job to start somewhere else is regulated by labour law. The notice periods that apply to employees are usually stated in the employment contract or the applicable collective agreement. The usual notice period is four weeks to the 15th of the month… Read More

Employment of Refugees: a “Job Engine” Offered by German Companies

Since 2015, the employment of refugees in German companies has had a very positive impact on the competitiveness of these companies. This is the result of the study under the title “From ‘refugee crisis’ to job engine: An analysis of the experience of German companies in integrating refugees” by the non-profit organization “Tent Partnership for Refugees” and the research institute “DIW Econ”. For the first time, this study analyses the experiences of 100 medium-sized and large German companies, three-quarters of these companies hired refugees for the first time in 2015. According to the study, 64 percent of the companies state… Read More

Minimum Wage will be Increased Incrementally

 Official employees on statutory minimum wage will earn extra money this year. In other words, the official minimum wage in Germany will be increased. This rule has been decided by the Bundestag. In July, the minimum wage will be raised from 9.82 euros to 10.45 euros per hour. On October 1st of 2022, the gross minimum wage will be raised to 12 euros. Currently, around six million people in Germany receive income by way of minimum wage. According to the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Hubertus Heil (SPD) in the Bundestag, women and employees in the eastern part… Read More

Grant for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications

Anyone who wants to have professional qualifications acquired abroad recognized in Germany and does not receive financial support from the Employment Agency or the Job Center can apply for a recognition grant. The grant is aimed at employees who have lived in Germany for at least three months, work below their completed qualification and have a low income. In addition, they may not receive financial support for the recognition process from other support programs. Low-income earners include persons who earn less than 26,000 euros gross or, together with their spouse or partner, less than 40,000 euros gross per year. The… Read More

Basic income support for refugees from Ukraine as of June 1

Refugees from Ukraine are entitled to basic welfare benefits in Germany if they are registered, able to work, between 15 and 67 years old and in need of assistance. This was decided by the German government on April 7. According to the German Social Security Code (§ 9 SGB II), a person is in need of assistance if he or she is unable to secure his or her own livelihood or cannot do so sufficiently. Unemployment benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II /Grundsicherung) helps people find work and ensures their livelihood. As of May 1, refugees from Ukraine can apply for unemployment… Read More

Mira: Help with trouble at work

The counseling center “Mira – Mit Recht bei der Arbeit” helps migrants who have problems at their workplace. It offers people who came to Germany from outside the EU support in integrating into the labor market. The nearest counseling center is in Stuttgart, but it is also possible to make an appointment in Tübingen. The counseling is free of charge. In recent years, many people have come to Germany, and many of them have managed to find a job. However, because some still have little language skills and are not familiar enough with German labor law, there are sometimes problems.… Read More

Speed dating for apprenticeships

35 companies from Tübingen and the surrounding area are looking for apprentices for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024. The companies from all kinds of sectors will present themselves at the speed dating day on Tuesday, April 12, at Tübingen’s Sparkassen Carré. Students who are looking for an apprenticeship, a dual study position or a place for a voluntary social year (FSJ) can register online until Friday, April 1, at Afterwards they see the offers and short portraits of the enterprises, which fit to their school conclusion and the beginning of the training. Prospective students can select up to… Read More

Key to integration

In August 2021, for the first time, more than 500,000 people with refugee backgrounds in Germany were employed: 436,000 were subject to social security contributions, and about 73,000 were part-time employees. These figures were announced by “Mediendienst Integration”. The integration of refugees into the labor market has, therefore, been faster compared to the previous years, as demonstrated by comparative figures from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). Jobs, education and German language skills are considered the most important “keys to integration” in Germany. The high number of employees is all the more remarkable because many refugees lost their jobs, especially… Read More

In 2022, the minimum wage will be increased in several steps

In 2022, the minimum wage will be increased twice. As from January 1, the minimum wage will be increased from 9.60 to 9.82 euros per hour. In July 2022, the minimum wage will rise again from 9.82 to 10.45 euros. In addition, the new federal government plans to raise the minimum wage to 12 euros per hour. As the responsible Federal Minister of Labor, Hubertus Heil, told the media a few days ago, a draft law is to be presented as early as the beginning of 2022. tun21121405 Geldscheine. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. Latest information on Corona: Click… Read More

Free application photos at the fair

There is a small training fair on Friday, October 8, from 3 to 6 pm. It is in the rooms of “Kiosk” in Tübingen’s Poststraße 10. Teenagers and young people up to 27 years of age can inform themselves about training opportunities at local handicraft businesses and possibly get a training position for this year. They can also have their application photos taken free of charge and receive information and tips on training and careers. Participation costs nothing. Those interested do not need to register. Those who have not been vaccinated against Corona or have not recovered can take a… Read More

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