Tübingen tests for free again

The number of people infected with corona is rising from one record high to the next. One reason: Some people don’t know that they’re infected. Ever since the tests cost money, many refrain from taking one. Because of this, Tübingen is offering free corona tests for everyone again. Starting Monday, November 15th, two test stations are opened for this again: at the city hall from 10am to 6pm and at the Haagtor from 10am to 7pm. Upon request, they also issue a digital Tübingen day ticket, as the city announces on its website. On Wednesday, November 17th, two more test… Read More

Stricter rules for unvaccinated

Starting Wednesday, November 3rd, the warning level is in effect in Baden-Württemberg. It goes into effect when 250 or more corona patients are in intensive care within two consecutive working days statewide. Stricter rules apply for unvaccinated people during the warning level. One household can only meet with five other people. Vaccinated and recovered people, children and adolescents under 18, pregnant women as well as those who can’t get vaccinated due to medical reasons don’t count. Additionally, unvaccinated people need a negative PCR test in many closed rooms which is not older than 48 hours. Among these closed spaces are,… Read More

Unvaccinated people have to stay outside in the 2G-model

The state government of Baden-Württemberg has changed its corona regulations. It is in effect starting Friday, October 15. The vaccination coverage is “still not high enough,” according to the state government. Consequently, not all restrictions can be lifted. Especially unvaccinated people fall seriously ill and have to get admitted to the hospital. Restrictions will only be loosened for vaccinated and recovered people. This is new: Organizers of concerts, theaters and city festivals as well as service providers (for example gastronomy and hairdressers) and distributors may operate under the 2G-model, if they want to. This means that they can decide to… Read More

Vaccination center Tübingen closed from October 1st

In the entire state of Baden-Württemberg, vaccination centers will be closed as of October 1, the Tübingen District Office announced in a press release. This also applies to the vaccination center Tübingen in the Old Archaeology, Wilhelmstraße 9. All vaccination appointments after October 1 are canceled without replacement, even if you have received a confirmation by e-mail. Therefore, anyone who has a vaccination appointment for the time after October 1 at a vaccination center has to have a new appointment arranged in a doctor’s office. Those who do not have a family doctor can search for medical practices in the… Read More

Vaccination recommendation also for pregnant women and nursing mothers

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should also be vaccinated against the corona virus. This has been announced by the Standing Committee on Vaccination at the Robert Koch Institute in a current recommendation. Likewise, all women who want to have children should also be vaccinated against Covid-19. For all these groups, two vaccinations with the approved mRNA vaccines from BioNTech / Pfizer or Moderna are recommended. Pregnant women who have not yet been vaccinated or not fully vaccinated should be vaccinated in the second trimester of pregnancy. Dr. Marianne Röbl-Mathieu, resident specialist in gynecology and obstetrics and STIKO member, emphasized in… Read More

New Corona rules: No compulsory vaccination—but restrictions for the unvaccinated

More than 90 percent of Corona patients in intensive care units in Baden-Württemberg are not vaccinated. This was stated by Baden-Württemberg’s Health Minister Manfred Lucha. According to the statistics of the Robert Koch Institute, it is especially the age group of 35 to 59 year-olds who are infected with the Corona virus, followed by 15 to 34 year-olds. With its new Corona regulation of Thursday, 16 September, the Baden-Württemberg state government wants to prevent an overload of the health system and motivate people to vaccinate. There is no compulsory vaccination. But the rules for the unvaccinated will be tightened considerably.… Read More

Offers for caregiving relatives in Tübingen

Caregivers need rest so that they do not get sick themselves. That is why the Tübingen old people’s welfare offers them various options that can relieve them. In the Pauline-Krone-Heim there are 16 places for short-term care throughout the year. The people in need of care are admitted to an inpatient facility. In many cases, the long-term care insurance funds cover the costs of the stay, writes the city of Tübingen in a press release. Further information can be found at www.altenhilfe-tuebingen.de Tübingen also has four day care facilities. There people in need of care are cared for on individual… Read More

Tübingen vaccination center moves in mid-August

In the vaccination center in the Paul-Horn Arena at Tübingen Festplatz, interested people can get vaccinated spontaneously without an appointment until August 15. The vaccine hall will be closed from August 16. It will be moved to the Old Archeology of the University of Tübingen in Wilhelmstraße 9. Vaccinations will be carried out there from August 16 and probably until the end of September. Currently, appointments for the first vaccination in the Old Archeology can be booked via the homepage www.tuebingen-impfzentrum.de until August 31. Vaccination appointments until September 30 will follow. Appointments for the second vaccination can be booked immediately… Read More

Advice and help with addiction issues

Nicotine, alcohol, medication and/or drugs: even some young people can no longer get away from their addiction.They can find contact persons at the youth and drug counselling centre in Tübingen (and the Rottenburg branch). The team provides free counselling and care for those affected by addiction and their relatives. The staff members from the departments of psychology, education and social work provide counselling and treatment for adolescents and young adults who abuse drugs or are dependent on them. However, they also provide counselling to adults who are addicted to illicit drugs or who abuse these drugs. Those seeking advice with… Read More

Much interest in the vaccination news of tünews INTERNATIONAL

Since May 6th tünews INTERNATIONAL reports on specific questions about vaccinations against the Corona virus. Within one month the published online reports were accessed 123,709 times. People from the Arabic-speaking world as well as Afghanistan and Iran in particular made use of the 16 contributions. Editors of tünews INTERNATIONAL had collected reservations and rumours about vaccination among refugees. A vaccinator from Iraq and a vaccinator from Syria provided information on these questions in interviews. Ezdehar Zen Aldeen is a paediatrician, Saif Afat is a radiologist, both work at Tübingen University Hospital. They are currently working at the vaccination centre of… Read More

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