New Corona rules: No compulsory vaccination—but restrictions for the unvaccinated

More than 90 percent of Corona patients in intensive care units in Baden-Württemberg are not vaccinated. This was stated by Baden-Württemberg’s Health Minister Manfred Lucha. According to the statistics of the Robert Koch Institute, it is especially the age group of 35 to 59 year-olds who are infected with the Corona virus, followed by 15 to 34 year-olds. With its new Corona regulation of Thursday, 16 September, the Baden-Württemberg state government wants to prevent an overload of the health system and motivate people to vaccinate. There is no compulsory vaccination. But the rules for the unvaccinated will be tightened considerably.

The new Corona regulation provides for a three-stage system. In the first stage, the unvaccinated or those who have not recovered need a negative rapid test no more than 24 hours old in many public areas.

The second tier is the so-called warning level. A benchmark is when 250 beds in intensive care units are occupied by Corona patients for two working days in a row, according to figures from the state health department. On Wednesday, 15 September, there were already 193 Corona patients in the intensive care units of hospitals in Baden-Württemberg. At the warning level, unvaccinated people need a negative PCR test to enter cinemas, restaurants, museums and theatres. They have to pay for this test themselves. It costs more than 60 euros. In addition, those who are unvaccinated and have not recovered from Covid are only allowed to meet with fewer people: one household with five other people. In addition to those who have recovered and those who have been vaccinated, children and adolescents up to 17 years of age and people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women, are not counted.

The so-called alert level applies if more than 390 intensive care beds are occupied by Corona patients on two working days in a row. Then a household is only allowed to meet with one other person. In addition to convalescents and vaccinated persons, children and adolescents up to 17 years of age and people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women, are also not counted. In addition, those who have not been vaccinated or those who have not been proven to have recovered are no longer allowed to attend certain events or go to certain places at all—not even with a negative PCR test. They are excluded, for example, from city festivals, restaurants, swimming pools and sports such as fitness studios, discos and clubs. At the hairdresser’s, unvaccinated people and those who have not recovered need a PCR test.

Detailed information is available at “New Corona Regulation from 16 September”.


Bei der Impfung.Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian

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