Certificate of fiction: Mail from Tübingen Foreigners’ Office counts as proof of application

In Tübingen, expired residence permits should actually be valid until the end of January 2024. The city had stipulated this in a general decree. This special path is illegal. The order is no longer valid. All those who now apply for an extension after their residence permit expires need a so-called fictitious certificate as proof of a legal stay in Germany. “As before, these certificates will be issued upon request,” the Tübingen Foreigners’ Office explained in a press release. Anyone who submits an application to the Foreigners’ Office before their residence permit expires can stay in Germany until a decision… Read More

Subsidy for high heating costs

Have heating costs doubled in 2022 compared to 2021? Then it is worthwhile for private households to apply for financial assistance. The state hardship grants apply to non-pipeline energy sources such as heating oil, liquid gas, wood pellets, wood briquettes, coal or coke. They do not apply to district heating or gas. There is a maximum of 2000 euros per household. The assistance can be applied for online at the latest by Friday, October 20, via the website https://driveport.de/brennstoffhilfe-rechner/. Necessary forms for applications in paper form can be ordered via the hotline 0711 / 12 61 600. Information about necessary… Read More

Rail delays: No more compensation in the event of bad weather

When trains are delayed or canceled altogether, Deutsche Bahn provides compensation. Until now, this has applied regardless of the cause of the delay. From June 7, this will change: there will no longer be any money for cancellations and delays due to bad weather, sabotage or people on the tracks. This all falls under the term “force majeure”. This is the result of the new EU railroad passenger rights regulation, about which the European Consumer Center provides information. Strikes by railroad personnel, by the way, do not fall under the exemption rules. So if train drivers go on strike and… Read More

Scholarships for studying in Germany

Studying in Germany is expensive. Students need money for rent, food, the Mensa, the semester fee and study materials. Those who cannot be supported by their family have to look for other solutions. In addition to work and BaföG, this can also be a scholarship. A total of 1,750 foundations offer support for students in Germany, reports the study guide studienwahl.de. Those who are accepted into a scholarship program receive monthly payments, as well as a range of seminars and workshops and support from mentors. The 13 largest scholarship programs in Germany award scholarships on behalf of the Federal Ministry… Read More

Packaging tax in Tübingen remains

The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig has ruled: Tübingen’s packaging tax is legal in most respects. This is reported by the court and the city of Tübingen in press releases respectively. With this tax on disposable tableware and packaging, the city wanted to reduce litter from “take away” containers and promote reusable systems. There was a complaint against this. The Federal Administrative Court has now confirmed the city’s position. According to the court, dishes and packaging such as French fries bowls and coffee cups will cost 50 cents, while disposable cutlery or drinking straws will cost 20 cents. This is… Read More

Simply join in: sports activities

What to do after the German course, work or as a remedy for boredom? This is a question many immigrants ask themselves after moving to a new city. TünewsINTERNATIONAL has put together a few free activities and events in Tübingen. In Tübingen and the surrounding area, there are a number of sports activities that you can participate in without having to join a club or pay a fee. During the warmer months, for example, there is a sports program in the Old Botanical Garden. The city of Tübingen and the Stadtsportbund invite people over 50 to take part in the… Read More

Culture: entertainment for all

What to do after the German course, work or as a remedy for boredom? This is a question many immigrants ask themselves after moving to a new city. TünewsINTERNATIONAL has put together a few free activities and events in Tübingen. Museums and exhibitions: For example, the city museum at Kornhausstraße 10 can be visited free of charge. It is open Wednesdays to Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and always offers current special exhibitions. The Hölderlinturm or the exhibitions in the Kulturhalle can also be visited without admission. This also applies to the outdoor areas of Bebenhausen Monastery. A… Read More

“Gross” is not the same as “net”: What is deducted from the salary

The “gross” salary stated in the employment contract is not the money the employee finds in his or her account. Gross means the total before taxes and social security contributions are deducted. It is also stated in job advertisements. What arrives in the account is the “net” salary, i.e., the amount after all deductions. In Germany, income tax, church tax, and social contributions (health insurance, pension insurance, long-term care insurance, and unemployment insurance) are withheld from employees. Those who earn very well also have to pay a solidarity contribution. But what do these terms mean – and how are the… Read More

New language project for refugees who want to study

“Starthilfe Deutsch” is a new project that aims to give particularly gifted young refugees from the Stuttgart area a basic knowledge of German up to language level B1 in academic German courses in a short period of time, thus preparing them for university studies. Subsequently, the participants are to be accepted into scholarship programs for the gifted. Participation in the German courses is free of charge, travel expenses can be covered. Contact: Deutschkolleg Stuttgart /Verein zur Förderung ausländischer Studienbewerber und Studenten Stuttgart e.V., Allmandring 6, 70569 Stuttgart, Tel. 0711 6870 6818, info@deutschkolleg-stuttgart.de, www.deutschkolleg-stuttgart.de Further information: Microsoft Word – Deutschkolleg –… Read More

Wide range of services: Tübingen public library

What to do after the German course, work or as a remedy for boredom? This is a question many immigrants ask themselves after moving to a new city. TünewsINTERNATIONAL has put together a few free activities and events in Tübingen. In the Tübingen public library (Nonnengasse 19) you can read newspapers and magazines, borrow books and DVDs. The municipal library also offers books for children and adults in foreign languages. Bilingual books are available in Arabic, Ukrainian, English, French and Russian. Some books are also available in Farsi. Information is available from the counselors on the second floor. The library… Read More

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