Children no longer need a free test

Children and adolescents no longer have to take time off after contracting Corona. They only have to stay in quarantine for five days—just like adults. Then they can go back to school or kindergarten. This was announced by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health. From 1 October, a new Corona regulation will apply in Baden-Württemberg. Nothing will change in the previous rules, although the number of infections is clearly increasing. From 1 October to 7 April 2023, FFP2 masks must be worn in long-distance trains and doctors’ offices. In clinics and care facilities, an additional test is required. In public transport,… Read More

Quick help from the Internet: The Germany4Ukraine website

Germany4Ukraine is the German government’s central portal for supporting refugees from Ukraine. Here you can find answers to the most important questions. In addition to the website, there is also a Germany4Ukraine app. The platform helps people find their way around Germany: It offers Ukrainians an up-to-date overview of entry, registration, medical care, social support, accommodation and residence. Information is available in Ukrainian, Russian, English and German. The app is available throughout Europe, making it possible to prepare for entry into Germany. The website is being further developed, with plans to integrate the services of immigration authorities, health offices and… Read More

Abortion in Germany

In Germany, abortion is punishable for all parties involved under Section 218 of the Criminal Code (StGB). However, there are the following exemptions from punishment: The women concerned attend counselling at a recognised counselling centre. Another exception applies if there is medical evidence (indication) of a strong danger to physical or mental health. Another important reason is if the pregnancy occurred due to rape (criminological indication). The costs in the case of a medical or criminological indication are covered by the health insurance. This also applies to women who are socially needy. Important: In the case of an abortion after… Read More

The waste calendar is online

Is the waste calendar in the trash? Will you need a new one after you move? In these situations, Tübingen has an online replacement. You can download a trash collection calendar at You only need to write down the name of your city and street. All collection dates for residual waste, bio bins, yellow bags, and waste paper bins are listed on the calendar. A free app can be downloaded to the smartphone at: Here, too, the place and the street must be clicked. The current collection dates can be found under “Calendar”. Under “All Dates” there is… Read More

Editorial: tünews-Ukraine

By Wolfgang Sannwald The German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering has awarded tünews INTERNATIONAL a grant of 44,650 euros. We had submitted an application for the organisational development of tünews Ukraine. The grant was awarded on 25 August within the framework of the programme “EHRENAMT HILFT GEMEINSAM – ankommen, mitmachen, Gesellschaft gestalten”. At present, we are conducting workshops on the organisational development of tünews INTERNATIONAL. We are preparing structures that will enable us to better serve the information needs of refugees from Ukraine in addition to our existing activities. We have formed a preparatory team for this purpose. This team… Read More

The minimum wage rises to twelve euros

More than six million people— that is 22 per cent of all employees—in Germany will get more money: the statutory minimum wage per hour will be twelve euros from 1 October—a good ten per cent more than the previously applicable 10.45 euros. In addition, the earnings threshold for mini-jobbers will rise to 520 euros. More at tun22091303 Die Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) in Reutlingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.      

Refugees with Swabian totally there

“Nothing is more surprising than hearing a dialect spoken by a migrant.” This is how Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann responded when he was asked if he recommended that refugees learn Swabian during his visit to the editorial team of tünews INTERNATIONAL on August 16, 2022, in the Tübingen district office. Kretschmann narrated his own experiences as a child of a family that had fled from the Soviet Armed Forces to West Germany in 1945. According to him, migration is not just a word “that you hear and that only affects others. I’ve already had some vivid experiences with it.” His… Read More

Incorrect bill from the energy supplier—what to do?

A shocking bill arrived from the energy provider: they wanted an additional payment of more than 850 euros and increased the monthly payment by 75 euros for electricity, gas, and water. What to do? The Consumer Advice Centre recommends checking the bill thoroughly first. According to the list for this year, water consumption has increased more than fivefold over last year. A customer advisor from the energy supplier said on the phone that an error could have happened. He asked for the email with the name, address, contract account, and a photo of the current status of the water meter.… Read More

Vaccinated against Corona with Sputnik: here’s what happens next

A new Corona vaccination campaign has started in Germany. The Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) recommends that all people over 60 years of age or with an underlying disease receive a second booster vaccination against Covid-19. The Stiko has drawn up special recommendations for refugees—for example from Ukraine—who were immunized in their home countries with vaccines that are not licensed in the European Union. This concerns the vaccines CoronaVac (Sinovac), Covilo (Sinopharm), Covaxin (Bharat Biotech International) and Sputnik V (Gamaleja). Those who have been immunized at least twice with one of these vaccines should be vaccinated at least once more… Read More

The dai invites refugee women to dance

The German-American Institute (dai) in Tübingen was founded 70 years ago. To celebrate this anniversary with guests, the dai is making new offers. One offer is “Liberty Dance”, a dance course for refugee women and women with a migration background. It starts on Saturday, 24 September, at 2 p.m. and lasts until 3.30 p.m. in the dai hall at Karlstraße 3. Every Saturday, the dai writes, the aim is to “dance, relax, laugh and simply celebrate the joy of movement”. The course costs nothing. Participants can come without registration. Info: All information about the dai—language courses, events and the public… Read More

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