Basic income support for refugees from Ukraine as of June 1

Refugees from Ukraine are entitled to basic welfare benefits in Germany if they are registered, able to work, between 15 and 67 years old and in need of assistance. This was decided by the German government on April 7. According to the German Social Security Code (§ 9 SGB II), a person is in need of assistance if he or she is unable to secure his or her own livelihood or cannot do so sufficiently. Unemployment benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II /Grundsicherung) helps people find work and ensures their livelihood. As of May 1, refugees from Ukraine can apply for unemployment… Read More

Learning Café gets going

The Lern-Café-Tübingen starts from April 26th every Tuesday from 17:30 to 19 o’clock in the Café Sozial (Tübingen, Derendinger Straße 50). The Lern-Café Tübingen is a project of the association Menschlichkeit Ulm e.V. At the Lern-Café, people of all nationalities who are in a language course, in vocational school or on their way to university receive tutoring that is individually tailored to their language level. For more information about the Lern-Café go to: Registration for students: Registration for helpers: tun22041901 Der Fachbereich Soziales der Stadt Tübingen ist ab Oktober 2021 in der Derendinger Straße 50, 72072 Tübingen… Read More

Climate Day in Tübingen

On Saturday, April 30, the Climate Day will take place at the Ratshausplatz in Tübingen. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., there will be information about climate protection, energy transition and sustainability in the foyer. There you can learn interesting facts about different areas of life such as heat, electricity, consumption and mobility. In addition, you can get free advice on saving energy in the home and on the numerous municipal funding programs. There is also the opportunity to have various small electrical appliances repaired free of charge. The Foodsharing initiative will also be presenting itself, which collects products that… Read More

Ukrainian refugees: easier to open an account

It has become easier for refugees from Ukraine to open an account at a German bank. In the meantime, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bafin) has decided that it is not mandatory to have a biometric ID. Other Ukrainian identity documents are now also accepted in conjunction with a document from a German authority. The prerequisite is that the name on the document matches the name on the ID card. The Tübingen District Office will contact all Ukrainian refugees who have applied for benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act and do not yet have an account. Those who have… Read More

Mira: Help with trouble at work

The counseling center “Mira – Mit Recht bei der Arbeit” helps migrants who have problems at their workplace. It offers people who came to Germany from outside the EU support in integrating into the labor market. The nearest counseling center is in Stuttgart, but it is also possible to make an appointment in Tübingen. The counseling is free of charge. In recent years, many people have come to Germany, and many of them have managed to find a job. However, because some still have little language skills and are not familiar enough with German labor law, there are sometimes problems.… Read More

Help for the wounded souls of young refugees

Children and young people were often psychologically burdened in war zones and during their flight. Even “after arriving in Germany, stressful factors can have a negative impact on their (psychological) development,” writes the refugio Stuttgart association. These children and young people need special support. In Tübingen, a therapist specially trained for the age group counsels and provides therapy for traumatized refugee children and adolescents from six to 18 years of age and, upon request, young adults between 18 and 26. The offer – with trained interpreters upon request – is free of charge. No health card is needed. In addition… Read More

Apply for KreisBonusCard in Ukrainian

The application for a KreisBonusCard is now also available in Ukrainian. The card is needed, among other things, to make purchases in charity stores. However, it also allows for other benefits, including reduced admission to the open-air swimming pool or discounts at some restaurants. More information about the KreisBonusCard is available on the Internet. The translated application form can be found on the website of the district administration office. tun22041405 Das Freibad in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. Latest information on Corona: Click here        

Advice for Ukrainians about German courses

Ukrainians who want to learn German can get advice on 21 April. This Thursday, the Volkshochschule Tübingen offers a consultation between 10:00 and 12:00. The consultation is free of charge. Anyone who is entitled to participate in the integration course can take a placement test. If you are not yet eligible for the integration course, the Volkshochschule will help you with your application. Advice can also be provided in Russian or English. Registration is not necessary. The Volkshochschule is located at Katharinenstraße 18. tun22041402 Die Volkshochschule (vhs) in der Katharinenstraße in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.

German for Ukrainians online

If you have not yet found a place in a German course on site, you can start learning German independently. The Adult Education Centre offers a free learning portal for this purpose: German courses up to and including level B1 are available in Ukrainian. The registration, operation and all tasks have been translated into Ukrainian. If you want to use the portal, you need a smartphone and Internet access. tun22041403 Die vhs hat auch viele online-Angebote. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.

Easter nest search for children from Ukraine

On Sunday, April 24, 2022, the Volkshochschule Tübingen will open its building to all little „treasure hunters”. Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., children can search for Easter nests and other surprises in all rooms. All small children are welcome, maybe even the Easter Bunny is present. The Volkshochschule is located at Katharinenstraße 18 in Tübingen. tun22041401 Ostereier. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL. Latest information on Corona: Click here

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