Support for sports activities

The association BewegtEuch e.V. promotes sports activities for children and young people under the age of 18. Those who would like to practice a sport but do not have the financial means for leisure activities can contact the association. Children and young people who have fled Ukraine also receive support. For example, membership fees at sports clubs, equipment for certain sports or participation in sports camps are paid. The association was founded, among others, by Dr. Lisa Federle, an emergency physician from Tübingen, during the Corona pandemic. Funding works through sponsorships and donations. Anyone who would like to receive a… Read More

University Hospital offers psychological help to refugees

The war in Ukraine does not only trigger traumatic experiences for those who have fled there. For people who have fled Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq since 2015, images from Ukraine also bring back memories of threatening situations in their home country and during their flight. The University Hospital Tübingen offers a consultation hour for refugees who need psychological help – regardless of whether they have just fled Ukraine or earlier from other countries and war zones. Those who wish to take advantage of the offer must be registered with the Foreigners’ Registration Office so that the costs are covered. The… Read More

“Sahnehäubchen” campaign supports children

With the “Sahnehäubchen” campaign, Caritas Schwarzwald-Gäu, a regional association of the Catholic Church’s welfare organization, supports children and young people from financially weak families. Children and young people under the age of 18 in the district of Tübingen are supported in the areas of music, art and sports. The support also includes vacation camps and extracurricular events. Children and young people from families receiving unemployment benefit II (SGB II), a food bank voucher, social welfare benefits (SGB XII), benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz), housing allowance or child benefit supplement are eligible for funding. The application for funding… Read More

Reduced vaccination offer in the district

As the demand for vaccinations against the Corona virus in the district of Tübingen has dropped sharply, many of the vaccination facilities set up especially for this purpose are closing: – Alte Post Rottenburg, Poststraße 15: closed since March 25. – Tonnenhalle Mössingen, Löwensteinplatz 1: closed from Friday, April 1, last opening on March 31 from 2 to 6:30 p.m. – Alte Universitäts-Apotheke Tübingen, Röntgenweg 9: from April 1 until the end of April, reduced opening hours from Thursday to Saturday, 1:30 to 7:30 p.m. As of May 1, all pop-up vaccination centers of the district, the university hospital and… Read More

An ancient Greek coin from Ukraine bears witness to a war over 2000 years ago

By Stefan Krmnicek Anyone reading the news these days in March 2022 will hear about fierce fighting in the towns and villages along the river Southern Bug. As a wide stream, it forms a natural and thus militarily strategic barrier in the coastal area between the port cities of Odessa in the west and Kherson in the east. On the western bank of its river mouth lie the ruins of the ancient city of Olbia. This settlement was founded by Greeks from Miletus and served as a trading centre for the export of goods, such as grain and slaves, from… Read More

A new EU directive applies to refugees from Ukraine

In early March 2022, the European Union (EU) activated the so-called “mass influx directive”. This directive grants a different status to people fleeing the war in Ukraine than to all asylum seekers who have previously fled to the EU. This was decided by the Justice and Home Affairs Council, abbreviated “JHA Council”, which is composed of the Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs of all EU member states. It is the central decision-making body of the EU in matters of European home affairs and justice policy. The Mass Influx Directive was created in 2001 after the wars in the former… Read More

Residence registration obligation for refugees from Ukraine

People who have fled Ukraine and live in a flat in Tübingen must report this to the registration office. With an appointment that can be made by phone at 07071 204-0 or by email to, refugees from Ukraine can register with the registration office. Registration is necessary in order to be entitled to benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act. When registering, the passport (if possible the international passport), the civil status certificates (if available in German or English) and a housing provider certificate must be presented. Refugees from Ukraine who initially live in the district sports hall can… Read More

Online guide for refugees from Ukraine

For Ukrainians who have arrived in Germany, there is a portal with information as well as information and tips on accommodation and medical care. The homepage of the Federal Ministry of the Interior is available in Ukrainian, Russian, English and German. This portal provides answers to questions on, for example, entry, registration, corona rules, residence, work, study and compulsory education for children. Under the heading Basic Information, reference is also made to search engines and portals that offer advice and support (mostly in Russian), such as the Doweria telephone counselling service or a special online legal advice service for… Read More

Counseling also for refugees from Ukraine

People who come to Germany as refugees receive support. Their contact persons are the integration managers of the district offices and cities. As of March 11, refugees from Ukraine can now also receive advice from the integration managers. This was announced by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration in a press release on March 11 2022. Further news on Ukraine: tun22031402 In der Kreissporthalle in Tübingen werden Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine kurzfristig untergebracht. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. Latest information on Corona: Click here

Where refugees from Ukraine can find help

By Brigitte Gisel People from Ukraine who flee from the war in their homeland to Germany receive accommodation, food and medical care here. In the district of Tübingen, the city halls or citizens’ offices are responsible for this. It is there that those seeking protection should apply for their residence permits. Ukrainians who have a biometric passport do not need a visa for 90 days in many European countries, including Germany. But registration with the municipality is a prerequisite for applying for social benefits. The application is then forwarded to the foreigners authority. Except for the cities of Tübingen and… Read More

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